Setelah pengakuan yang mengejutkan kemarin, Wu Chun telah menjatuhkan bom lain lagi.
Wu Chun tiba-tiba mengaku melalui posting blog-nya tentang pernikahan rahasianya dengan kekasih SMA-nya , Li Liying dan juga mengungkapkan bahwa mereka memiliki seorang putri .
Pada konferensi pers untuk peluncuran buku barunya , mantan anggota Fahrenheit itu segera membungkuk kepada media ketika ia di panggung . Dia mengungkapkan bahwa ia dan istrinya , Lin Liying menikah pada tahun 2009 dan memiliki putri pertama mereka pada tahun 2010 . Putri mereka yang berusia 3 tahun juga berzodiak Libra seperti dirinya .
Wu Chun melanjutkan dengan pengumuman lebih mengejutkan bahwa istrinya sedang hamil lagi dan akan segera melahirkan ( pada bulan Oktober) .
" Masih ada seorang anak kecil yang akan segera lahir , " kata pria berusia 33 tahun itu .
Pada tahun 2011 , tabloid Taiwan mempublikasikan foto Wu Chun dengan bayi dan membuat gosip tentang pernikahannya dan bayinya yang berusia empat bulan. Saat itu, Wu Chun membantah laporan berulang kali dan bahkan mengancam akan menuntut majalah untuk laporan tidak benar .
Menyembunyikan pernikahannya selama empat tahun , wartawan yang mengambil gambar kemudian mengecam Wu Chun , "Anda mengancam akan menuntut kita pada waktu itu . Sekarang , Anda berutang permintaan maaf pada kami . "
Menghadapinya Wu Chun menjawab , " Anak itu memang bukan milikku . Dia adalah putri saudara ipar saya . Saya mengakui bahwa ketika cerita itu diterbitkan, saya tidak bisa menangani dan karena itu saya memilih untuk menyembunyikannya . "
Reporter lain membentak Wu Chun , "Anda adalah seorang idola . Anda memiliki tanggung jawab untuk jujur ! "
Wu Chun menjawab, " Saya minta maaf kepada agen saya. Bahkan manajer saya tidak tahu tentang hal itu . Saya merasa bahwa orang tidak tahu tentang hal itu akan lebih baik . Ayah saya memerintahkan saya untuk menjaga rahasia juga. "
Matilda Tao , yang menjadi host untuk konferensi pers , cepat menengahi saat yang menegangkan . dengan berkata , " Ada banyak kasus selebriti yang terus menjaga perkawinan dan anak-anak mereka secara rahasia . Saya mendorong semua saudara di sini tidak begitu marah hari ini. "
Istrinya memintanya untuk " menghadapinya "
Wu Chun mengungkapkan bahwa ia telah berharap untuk membuka pernikahannya sebelumnya , tapi istrinya ingin tetap low profile .
" Setengah lainnya tidak ingin diekspos . Dalam hati saya , keluarga saya adalah yang paling penting . Saya berharap untuk melindungi mereka , dan itulah mengapa saya membuat keputusan ini . "
" Saya selalu ingin berbagi berita gembira ini . Aku butuh banyak keberanian untuk mengumumkannya , dan bahkan lebih lagi untuk dirinya . Itu sampai ketika kita memiliki anak lagi . Mungkin setelah dia menjadi seorang ibu , dia mampu menghadapi ini dengan berani . Dia tahu bahwa saya selalu ingin berbagi foto anak saya dengan fans saya . "
Setelah mengakui tentang pernikahan dan putrinya di blog-nya kemarin , Wu Chun tidak bisa tidur untuk sepanjang malam . Dia sangat gugup tentang konferensi pers sampai ia menerima pesan dari istrinya meminta dia untuk " menghadapinya " .
Menjelaskan rumor sebelumnya ia pacaran dengan Ella Chen Wu Chun menjelaskan bahwa dia tidak membohongi istrinya , Wu Chun mengatakan , " Kami hanya teman baik . Aku mengunjungi rumahnya [ Ella ] tapi itu dengan sekelompok teman . Sebelum saya datang ke konferensi pers , aku bahkan mengiriminya pesan teks karena kami adalah teman baik . "
Terkait pengakuan tiba-tibanya yang di nilai sebagai aksi publisitas peluncuran bukunya Wu Chun menjelaskan .
Pada buku barunya , Wu Chun mempublikasikan foto istri dan jari-jari kecil putrinya . Wu Chun juga telah mendedikasikan satu bab dalam buku barunya berjudul , " Saya ingin mengatakan ..... tentang cinta "untuk istrinya , yang membuat siapapun meneteskan air mata setelah membacanya .
Keraguan yang dilemparkan jika pengakuannya ada hubungannya dengan publikasi bukunya itu .
" Semua royalti buku akan disumbangkan ke badan amal . Ini bukan untuk promosi apapun , " kata Wu Chun .
" Maafkan saya . Aku minta maaf . "
Sebelum menyelesaikan konferensi pers , Wu Chun membungkuk lagi selama tiga detik dan meminta pengampunan dari masyarakat .
" Ini adalah konferensi pers yang paling membuat saya gugup . Saya ingin berbagi peristiwa penting dalam hidup saya . Mungkin aku telah mengatakan kata-kata yang salah atau melakukan hal yang salah sebelumnya. Maafkan saya. Aku minta maaf . "
#Bisakah cingudeul memahami dan memaafkan Wu Chun gege ???

Another bombshell from Wu Chun: “There is still a little boy soon!”
After his shocking confession yesterday, Wu Chun has dropped another bombshell again.
“I have another baby coming soon.”
Yesterday, Wu Chun suddenly confessed through his blog post about his secret marriage to his high school sweetheart, Li Liying and went on disclosing that they have a daughter.
At the press conference for the launch of his new book Ignite Courage this afternoon, the Fahrenheit member immediately bowed to the media when he got up the stage. He revealed that he and his wife, Lin Liying got married in 2009 and had their first daughter in 2010. Their daughter, who is 3 years old is also a Libra like himself.
Wu Chun went on to with more shocking announcement that his wife is pregnant again and will soon give birth in October.
“There is still a little boy who will be born soon,” said the 33-year-old.
Kept his marriage for four years
In 2011, Taiwanese tabloids published a photo of Wu Chun with a baby and exposed his marriage and his four-month-old baby. Back then, Wu Chun denied the reports repeatedly and even threatened to sue the magazine for the untrue report.
Hiding his marriage for four years, the reporter who took the picture then blasted Wu Chun, “You threatened to sue us at that time. Now, you owe us an apology.”
Facing the awkward moment, Wu Chun replied, “That child was indeed not mine. She was my sister-in-law’s daughter. I admit that when the story was published, I could not handle and therefore I chose to hide it.”
Another reporter snapped at Wu Chun, “You are an idol. You have the responsibility to be honest!”
Wu Chun responded, “I am sorry to my agency. Even my manager did not know about it then. I felt that the less people knew about it, the better it was. My dad instructed me to keep it a secret too.”
Matilda Tao, who was the host for the press conference, quickly jumped in to ease the tense moment. The Taiwanese host tactfully said, “There are many cases of celebrities who kept their marriage and child in secret. I urge all the sisters here not to get so angry today.”
Wife asked him to “face it”
Wu Chun revealed that he had wished to open up his marriage earlier, but his wife wanted to keep it low profile.
“My other half does not want to be exposed. In my heart, my family is the most important. I hope to protect them, and that’s why I made this decision.”
“I have always wanted to share this joyous news. I need a great deal of courage to announce it, and it is even more so for her. It was until when we have another child. Maybe after she becomes a mother, she is able to face this bravely. She knows that I have always wanted to share my child’s photo with my fans.”
After confessing about his marriage and daughter on his blog yesterday, Wu Chun could not sleep for the entire night. He was extremely nervous about the press conference until he received a message from his wife asking him to “face it”.
What about his romantic rumours with Ella Chen?
Clarifying that he did not cheat on his wife, Wu Chun said, “We are only good friends. I did visit her [Ella] house but it was with a group of friends. Before I came to the press conference, I even sent her a text message because we are good friends.”
Publicity stunt?
On his new book, Wu Chun published a photo of his wife and his daughter’s little fingers. Wu Chun has also dedicated a chapter in his new book titled, “I want to say….. about love” to his wife, who was moved to tears upon reading it.
Doubts were cast if his confession has anything to do with his book’s publicity.
“All the book’s royalties will be donated to the charities. It is not for any promotion,” said Wu Chun.
“Please forgive me. I am sorry.”
Before leaving, Wu Chun bowed again for three seconds and sought forgiveness from the public.
“This is my most nervous press conference. I wish to share the important event in my life. Maybe I have said the wrong words or did the wrong things before. Please forgive me. I am sorry.”
Setelah mengakui tentang pernikahan dan putrinya di blog-nya kemarin , Wu Chun tidak bisa tidur untuk sepanjang malam . Dia sangat gugup tentang konferensi pers sampai ia menerima pesan dari istrinya meminta dia untuk " menghadapinya " .
Menjelaskan rumor sebelumnya ia pacaran dengan Ella Chen Wu Chun menjelaskan bahwa dia tidak membohongi istrinya , Wu Chun mengatakan , " Kami hanya teman baik . Aku mengunjungi rumahnya [ Ella ] tapi itu dengan sekelompok teman . Sebelum saya datang ke konferensi pers , aku bahkan mengiriminya pesan teks karena kami adalah teman baik . "
Terkait pengakuan tiba-tibanya yang di nilai sebagai aksi publisitas peluncuran bukunya Wu Chun menjelaskan .
Pada buku barunya , Wu Chun mempublikasikan foto istri dan jari-jari kecil putrinya . Wu Chun juga telah mendedikasikan satu bab dalam buku barunya berjudul , " Saya ingin mengatakan ..... tentang cinta "untuk istrinya , yang membuat siapapun meneteskan air mata setelah membacanya .
Keraguan yang dilemparkan jika pengakuannya ada hubungannya dengan publikasi bukunya itu .
" Semua royalti buku akan disumbangkan ke badan amal . Ini bukan untuk promosi apapun , " kata Wu Chun .
" Maafkan saya . Aku minta maaf . "
Sebelum menyelesaikan konferensi pers , Wu Chun membungkuk lagi selama tiga detik dan meminta pengampunan dari masyarakat .
" Ini adalah konferensi pers yang paling membuat saya gugup . Saya ingin berbagi peristiwa penting dalam hidup saya . Mungkin aku telah mengatakan kata-kata yang salah atau melakukan hal yang salah sebelumnya. Maafkan saya. Aku minta maaf . "
#Bisakah cingudeul memahami dan memaafkan Wu Chun gege ???
Another bombshell from Wu Chun: “There is still a little boy soon!”
After his shocking confession yesterday, Wu Chun has dropped another bombshell again.
“I have another baby coming soon.”
Yesterday, Wu Chun suddenly confessed through his blog post about his secret marriage to his high school sweetheart, Li Liying and went on disclosing that they have a daughter.
At the press conference for the launch of his new book Ignite Courage this afternoon, the Fahrenheit member immediately bowed to the media when he got up the stage. He revealed that he and his wife, Lin Liying got married in 2009 and had their first daughter in 2010. Their daughter, who is 3 years old is also a Libra like himself.
Wu Chun went on to with more shocking announcement that his wife is pregnant again and will soon give birth in October.
“There is still a little boy who will be born soon,” said the 33-year-old.
Kept his marriage for four years
In 2011, Taiwanese tabloids published a photo of Wu Chun with a baby and exposed his marriage and his four-month-old baby. Back then, Wu Chun denied the reports repeatedly and even threatened to sue the magazine for the untrue report.
Hiding his marriage for four years, the reporter who took the picture then blasted Wu Chun, “You threatened to sue us at that time. Now, you owe us an apology.”
Facing the awkward moment, Wu Chun replied, “That child was indeed not mine. She was my sister-in-law’s daughter. I admit that when the story was published, I could not handle and therefore I chose to hide it.”
Another reporter snapped at Wu Chun, “You are an idol. You have the responsibility to be honest!”
Wu Chun responded, “I am sorry to my agency. Even my manager did not know about it then. I felt that the less people knew about it, the better it was. My dad instructed me to keep it a secret too.”
Matilda Tao, who was the host for the press conference, quickly jumped in to ease the tense moment. The Taiwanese host tactfully said, “There are many cases of celebrities who kept their marriage and child in secret. I urge all the sisters here not to get so angry today.”
Wife asked him to “face it”
Wu Chun revealed that he had wished to open up his marriage earlier, but his wife wanted to keep it low profile.
“My other half does not want to be exposed. In my heart, my family is the most important. I hope to protect them, and that’s why I made this decision.”
“I have always wanted to share this joyous news. I need a great deal of courage to announce it, and it is even more so for her. It was until when we have another child. Maybe after she becomes a mother, she is able to face this bravely. She knows that I have always wanted to share my child’s photo with my fans.”
After confessing about his marriage and daughter on his blog yesterday, Wu Chun could not sleep for the entire night. He was extremely nervous about the press conference until he received a message from his wife asking him to “face it”.
What about his romantic rumours with Ella Chen?
Clarifying that he did not cheat on his wife, Wu Chun said, “We are only good friends. I did visit her [Ella] house but it was with a group of friends. Before I came to the press conference, I even sent her a text message because we are good friends.”
Publicity stunt?
On his new book, Wu Chun published a photo of his wife and his daughter’s little fingers. Wu Chun has also dedicated a chapter in his new book titled, “I want to say….. about love” to his wife, who was moved to tears upon reading it.
Doubts were cast if his confession has anything to do with his book’s publicity.
“All the book’s royalties will be donated to the charities. It is not for any promotion,” said Wu Chun.
“Please forgive me. I am sorry.”
Before leaving, Wu Chun bowed again for three seconds and sought forgiveness from the public.
“This is my most nervous press conference. I wish to share the important event in my life. Maybe I have said the wrong words or did the wrong things before. Please forgive me. I am sorry.”
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