WU Chun begitu lega usai mengumumkan dirinya sudah menikah dan punya anak.
Eks personel Fahrenheit itu menceritakan betapa dia tersiksa harus menyembunyikan statusnya.
Menurutnya, dulu ketika jalan-jalan bareng istri dan anaknya, Wu Chun harus pura-pura cuek ketika putrinya menangis.
Setelah Wu Chun mengeluarkan pengakuan, dia tak lagi harus mengalami kejadian seperti itu.
Wu Chun bercerita, setelah menikah di Brunei Darussalam tahun 2009, putri pertamanya lahir di Hong Kong pada tahun 2010 melalui operasi caesar. Wu Chun memanggil putrinya 'darling'.
"Aku bahkan tak memanggil istriku darling," katanya
Eks personel Fahrenheit itu menceritakan betapa dia tersiksa harus menyembunyikan statusnya.
Menurutnya, dulu ketika jalan-jalan bareng istri dan anaknya, Wu Chun harus pura-pura cuek ketika putrinya menangis.
Setelah Wu Chun mengeluarkan pengakuan, dia tak lagi harus mengalami kejadian seperti itu.
Wu Chun bercerita, setelah menikah di Brunei Darussalam tahun 2009, putri pertamanya lahir di Hong Kong pada tahun 2010 melalui operasi caesar. Wu Chun memanggil putrinya 'darling'.
"Aku bahkan tak memanggil istriku darling," katanya
Meski telah menggelar upacara pernikahan sederhana di Brunei pada tahun 2009, Wu Chun mengatakan ada kemungkinan "menggelar pesta pernikahan lagi" untuk dihadiri teman-temannya yang dulu tak tahu dia sudah menikah.
Brunei-born Taiwanese singer-actor Wu Chun opened up on his chummy relationship with two-year-old daughter, after coming clean about his marriage and parenthood last week. During his book signing event in Hong Kong on Saturday, the turning 34 years old (on Oct 10) father happily called his daughter ‘darling’ and revealed a photo of her for the first time.
Basking in family bliss, Wu Chun added that his little girl was born in Hong Kong via Caesarean section and that the nickname ‘darling’ is used more often on his daughter than on his wife.
“I don’t even call my wife darling,” the doting father quipped.
Wu Chun also told reporters that it was a torture back then to ignore his daughter’s cries when they are out on the streets. Now that the cat is out of the bag, he is happy to bring his daughter out frequently.
When asked about his low-profile wedding, Wu Chun disclosed that the simple ceremony was held at his hometown in Brunei and hinted at the possibility of “having another wedding ceremony” to celebrate with their friends.
Basking in family bliss, Wu Chun added that his little girl was born in Hong Kong via Caesarean section and that the nickname ‘darling’ is used more often on his daughter than on his wife.
“I don’t even call my wife darling,” the doting father quipped.
Wu Chun also told reporters that it was a torture back then to ignore his daughter’s cries when they are out on the streets. Now that the cat is out of the bag, he is happy to bring his daughter out frequently.
When asked about his low-profile wedding, Wu Chun disclosed that the simple ceremony was held at his hometown in Brunei and hinted at the possibility of “having another wedding ceremony” to celebrate with their friends.
Source xinmsn Entertainment
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