Rumor tampaknya akan timbul sekali lagi mengenai kemungkinan hubungan romantis antara aktris Korea Bae Doo Na dan aktor Hollywood Jim Sturgess karena orang-orang mengklaim bahwa mereka telah melihat keduanya berkencan selama liburan Tahun Baru Imlek.

Sebuah forum komunitas online mengatakan, "Selama liburan Tahun Baru Imlek, Bae Doo Na dan Jim Sturgess pergi di sekitar pusat kota Seoul," dan meng-upload foto dari keduanya  bersama-sama. Dalam gambar, keduanya tampaknya menunggu untuk membayar di toko roti.

Selain itu, salah satu SNS berkata, "Aku melihat Bae Doo Na hari ini. Dia datang ke menara tempat lonceng bergantung Korea hari ini dengan orang asing yang sama dengan yang di kabarkan berkencan dengan dia sebelumnya" sementara kata yang lain, "Bae Doo Na dan Jim Sturgess di Lee Tae Won's Fashion Five. saya melihat kedua berpacaran. aku cemburu. "

Sebelumnya, mereka berdua telah menjadi topik hangat ketika foto mereka yang diunggah oleh kenalan keduanya di Instagram bersama dengan pesan, "Salah satu terbaik, aktor paling asli yang pernah saya temui, Mr Jim Sturgess, dan pacarnya yang cantik Bae Doona Bae . Serius akan merindukan. pria ini. Wonderful people. "

Bae Doo Na telah bekerja bersama dengan Jim Sturgess untuk film Hollywood 'Cloud Atlas' dan telah membantah rumor kencan tahun lalu dengan menyatakan bahwa mereka hanya teman dekat. Hal ini dimungkinkan hubungan mereka akhirnya maju ke satu hubungan romantis sekarang!

#Awww so sweeet couple. moga beneran mereka pacaran :D

Rumors seem to be arising once more regarding a possible romantic relationship between Korean actress Bae Doo Na and Hollywood actor Jim Sturgess as people claim they have seen the two on dates during the Lunar New Year's holiday.

An online community forum said, "During the Lunar New Year's holiday, Bae Doo Na and Jim Sturgess went around downtown Seoul," and uploaded a picture of the two together.  In the picture, the two of them appear to be waiting to pay at a bakery.

In addition, one SNS said, "I saw Bae Doo Na today.  She came to the Korean belfry today with the same foreign man with whom she had a scandal," while another said, "Bae Doo Na and Jim Sturgess at Lee Tae Won's Fashion Five.  So, I see the two are dating.  I'm jealous."

Previously, the two had become a hot topic when a picture of them were uploaded onto a mutual acquaintance's Instagram along with the message, "One of the nicest, most genuine actors I've ever met, Mr Jim Sturgess, and his lovely girlfriend Doona Bae.  Seriously gonna miss this guy.  Wonderful people."

Bae Doo Na had worked alongside Jim Sturgess for Hollywood film 'Cloud Atlas' and had already refuted dating rumors last year by claiming they were just close friends.  It is possible their relationship had finally advanced into a romantic one by now!

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