C - JeS Entertainment baru-baru ini mengupload pesan ke Facebook resmi JYJ
, mengungkapkan tindakan hukum yang tegas dimana mereka berencana untuk
mengambil tindakan terhadap komentar berbahaya tentang Jaejoong .
Mereka menulis :
" Sebuah peringatan ke akun berbahaya bagi pengguna Twitter . Twitters yang relevan menyamar sebagai keluarga Jaejoong menulis dan mengedarkan kata menghina dalam kaitannya dengan Jaejoong . C - JeS Entertainment telah mengumpulkan semua dokumen yang berhubungan dengan akun yang disebutkan dan menyelesaikan laporan ke Cyber Crime Unit atas dasar perbuatan mesum .
Ini adalah peringatan terakhir ke akun yang disebutkan untuk segera menghentikan semua sirkulasi dan menciptakan komentar berbahaya . Ini adalah pemberitahuan lain mengatakan tidak akan ada sama sekali perdamaian dengan tersangka .
Di masa depan , jika Anda melihat isi tambahan yang menunjukkan meniru dari C - JeS Entertainment , kami berharap Anda akan melaporkan ini ke web resmi C - JeS Entertainment webmaster@cjes.co.kr . "
Salah satu perwakilan mengungkapkan bahwa pada 3 Februari 2014, agency itu meminta Cyber Crime Unit melakukan penyelidikan terhadap netizen ( s ) yang megupload pesan berbahaya tentang Jaejoong . Seorang perwakilan mengatakan kepada Star News , "
#Salut buat C-Jes yang begitu melindungi JYJ
Mereka menulis :
" Sebuah peringatan ke akun berbahaya bagi pengguna Twitter . Twitters yang relevan menyamar sebagai keluarga Jaejoong menulis dan mengedarkan kata menghina dalam kaitannya dengan Jaejoong . C - JeS Entertainment telah mengumpulkan semua dokumen yang berhubungan dengan akun yang disebutkan dan menyelesaikan laporan ke Cyber Crime Unit atas dasar perbuatan mesum .
Ini adalah peringatan terakhir ke akun yang disebutkan untuk segera menghentikan semua sirkulasi dan menciptakan komentar berbahaya . Ini adalah pemberitahuan lain mengatakan tidak akan ada sama sekali perdamaian dengan tersangka .
Di masa depan , jika Anda melihat isi tambahan yang menunjukkan meniru dari C - JeS Entertainment , kami berharap Anda akan melaporkan ini ke web resmi C - JeS Entertainment webmaster@cjes.co.kr . "
Salah satu perwakilan mengungkapkan bahwa pada 3 Februari 2014, agency itu meminta Cyber Crime Unit melakukan penyelidikan terhadap netizen ( s ) yang megupload pesan berbahaya tentang Jaejoong . Seorang perwakilan mengatakan kepada Star News , "
#Salut buat C-Jes yang begitu melindungi JYJ
C-JeS Entertainment recently uploaded a message onto JYJ's official Facebook, revealing the course of firm legal action they plan on taking against malicious comments regarding Jaejoong.
They wrote:
"A warning to the malicious Twitter user accounts. The relevant Twitters impersonated Jaejoong's family to write and circulate unspeakably insulting words in relation to Jaejoong. C-JeS Entertainment has gathered all documents in relation to the mentioned accounts and completed a report to the Cyber Crime Unit on the grounds of lewdness.
This is a strict warning to the mentioned accounts to promptly suspend all circulation and creation of malicious mentions. This is another notice saying there will be absolutely no settlements with the suspects.
In the future, if you see additional contents suggesting impersonations of C-JeS Entertainment artists, we hope you will report these to the C-JeS Entertainment webmaster mail webmaster@cjes.co.kr."
One agency rep revealed that on the 3rd, the agency requested a Cyber Crimes investigation into the netizen(s) who uploaded malicious messages about Jaejoong. A rep told Star News, "In the case of Twitter, the headquarters is in the United States so some time delay is expected. Our policy is to perform the upmost legal action following the investigation process." They are hoping to charge the malicious writer with lewdness and defamation.
The rep said, "We have to at least consider the mental pain of the celebrity as well as his family due to the malicious writing. The malicious writing went too far. It is too big a pain for a public figure to endure. It will definitely be a blow to his image. It was to the point we could not just accept it as an anti-fan's personal attack and free slander, but judged it to be at a dangerous level and to be a criminal act. We hope that the malicious person will realize that his or her irresponsible writing was a huge crime."
They wrote:
"A warning to the malicious Twitter user accounts. The relevant Twitters impersonated Jaejoong's family to write and circulate unspeakably insulting words in relation to Jaejoong. C-JeS Entertainment has gathered all documents in relation to the mentioned accounts and completed a report to the Cyber Crime Unit on the grounds of lewdness.
This is a strict warning to the mentioned accounts to promptly suspend all circulation and creation of malicious mentions. This is another notice saying there will be absolutely no settlements with the suspects.
In the future, if you see additional contents suggesting impersonations of C-JeS Entertainment artists, we hope you will report these to the C-JeS Entertainment webmaster mail webmaster@cjes.co.kr."
One agency rep revealed that on the 3rd, the agency requested a Cyber Crimes investigation into the netizen(s) who uploaded malicious messages about Jaejoong. A rep told Star News, "In the case of Twitter, the headquarters is in the United States so some time delay is expected. Our policy is to perform the upmost legal action following the investigation process." They are hoping to charge the malicious writer with lewdness and defamation.
The rep said, "We have to at least consider the mental pain of the celebrity as well as his family due to the malicious writing. The malicious writing went too far. It is too big a pain for a public figure to endure. It will definitely be a blow to his image. It was to the point we could not just accept it as an anti-fan's personal attack and free slander, but judged it to be at a dangerous level and to be a criminal act. We hope that the malicious person will realize that his or her irresponsible writing was a huge crime."
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