ms granny
Film "Miss Granny " mengumpulkan lebih dari empat puluh juta penonton hanya dalam waktu tiga belas hari sejak hari perdana rilis .

Sebelumnya, empat hari lalu , film "Miss Granny " mencapai dua puluh juta penonton yang berarti hanya dalam hanya empat hari , film ini menarik dua kali lebih banyak penonton  sejak hari perdana . Angka ini jauh lebih cepat daripada film-film bergenre serupa , seperti "Sunny . "

#Huaaa penasaran banget ama ni film , harus nonton !!!

Movie "Miss Granny" amassed over forty million audiences in just thirteen days since the premiere day.

"Miss Granny" amassed over forty million audiences in just thirteen days since the premiere day. Previously, four days ago, the movie "Miss Granny" reached the twenty million audiences mark, which means in just mere four days, the movie attracted twice as many audiences as it had since the premiere days. This rate is a lot faster than the movies of similar genre, such as "Sunny."


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