Ko Young Wook was sentenced today to five years in prison, and was also ordered to wear an electronic anklet for 10 years and be registered as a sex offender with the public registry for seven years.
The sentence was handed down on April 10 on his illicit sex and harrassment cases against three minors.
The justice department stated, "[The defendant] used his status as a celebrity to harass and have illicit sex with victims who are young and so lack proper judgment. He also denied the charges in court, gave excuses, and attempted to lay responsibility on some of the victims. We sentence him to five years in prison and seven years on the sex offender registry."
It also said about the prosecution′s request for an electronic anklet, "He was involved in a total of five crimes between 2010 and 2012, and he uses similar methods, driving down the possibility that they were accidental. That he was involved in a similar crime while prosecution was heading an investigation indicates there is a high possibility he will commit such crimes again. We order him to wear an electronic anklet for 10 years."
Ko Young Wook hung his head after the sentence was read.
Ko Young Wook was sued by 18-year-old ′A′ in May 2012 for rape, and victims ′B′ and ′C′ soon followed with their own cases. While the three cases were being investigated by prosecution, he was again charged for harassing ′D′, leading him to stand in court for harrassing and having illicit sex with B, C and D. The case filed by A was dismissed, and B and C dropped their cases after reaching an agreement with Ko Young Wook.
C appeared in court as a witness, and petitions by the acquaintances of the victims were turned in on March 14 and April 2.
The sentence was handed down on April 10 on his illicit sex and harrassment cases against three minors.
The justice department stated, "[The defendant] used his status as a celebrity to harass and have illicit sex with victims who are young and so lack proper judgment. He also denied the charges in court, gave excuses, and attempted to lay responsibility on some of the victims. We sentence him to five years in prison and seven years on the sex offender registry."
It also said about the prosecution′s request for an electronic anklet, "He was involved in a total of five crimes between 2010 and 2012, and he uses similar methods, driving down the possibility that they were accidental. That he was involved in a similar crime while prosecution was heading an investigation indicates there is a high possibility he will commit such crimes again. We order him to wear an electronic anklet for 10 years."
Ko Young Wook hung his head after the sentence was read.
Ko Young Wook was sued by 18-year-old ′A′ in May 2012 for rape, and victims ′B′ and ′C′ soon followed with their own cases. While the three cases were being investigated by prosecution, he was again charged for harassing ′D′, leading him to stand in court for harrassing and having illicit sex with B, C and D. The case filed by A was dismissed, and B and C dropped their cases after reaching an agreement with Ko Young Wook.
C appeared in court as a witness, and petitions by the acquaintances of the victims were turned in on March 14 and April 2.
Ko Young Wook mantan anggota Boy Band Roo'Ra dijatuhi hukuman hari ini selama lima tahun penjara, dan juga diperintahkan untuk memakai gelang kaki elektronik selama 10 tahun dan terdaftar sebagai pelanggar seks dengan Registry publik selama tujuh tahun.
Hukuman tersebut dijatuhkan pada 10 April 2013 terkait kasus seks terlarang dan kasus pelecehan terhadap anak di bawah umur .
Departemen Kehakiman menyatakan, "[Terdakwa] menggunakan statusnya sebagai selebriti untuk melecehkan dan melakukan hubungan seks terlarang dengan korban yang masih muda dan sangat kurangnya penilaian yang tepat Dia juga membantah tuduhan di pengadilan,. Memberikan alasan, dan berusaha untuk meletakkan tanggung jawab pada beberapa korban .Kami menghukumnya lima tahun penjara dan tujuh tahun dengan Registry pelaku seks.. "
Ia juga mengatakan tentang permintaan penuntut untuk memakai gelang kaki elektronik, "Dia terlibat dalam total lima kejahatan antara tahun 2010 dan 2012, dan dia menggunakan metode yang serupa, mengendarai mobil membuat kemungkinan bahwa kejadian tidak disengaja. Bahwa dia terlibat dalam kejahatan yang sama saat penuntutan sedang menuju investigasi , mengindikasikan ada kemungkinan tinggi dia akan melakukan kejahatan seperti itu lagi .Kami menyuruhnya untuk memakai gelang kaki elektronik selama 10 tahun.. "
Ko Young Wook menundukkan kepalanya setelah kalimat itu dibaca.
Ko Young Wook digugat oleh 'A' berusia 18 tahun pada bulan Mei 2012 untuk pemerkosaan, dan korban 'B' dan 'C' segera mengikuti dengan kasus mereka sendiri. Sementara tiga kasus yang sedang diselidiki oleh jaksa, ia kembali dikenakan biaya untuk melecehkan 'D', membuatnya harus berdiri di pengadilan untuk kasus mengganggu dan melakukan hubungan seks terlarang dengan B, C dan D. Kasus yang diajukan oleh A diberhentikan, dan B, dan C menjatuhkan kasus mereka setelah mencapai kesepakatan dengan Ko Young Wook.
C muncul di pengadilan sebagai saksi, dan petisi oleh kenalan dari korban berbalik menyerangnya pada tanggal 14 Maret dan 2 April.
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