’Sports Seoul‘ is finally following up with the scoop on the love life of an idol couple. The couple in question has turned out to be Tony An (36) from 90s idol group H.O.T and Girl’s Day‘s Hyeri (20), who are bridging the generation gap between first and second generation idols.

After two months of observing the two and gathering information, Sports Seoul has released pictures of Tony and Hyeri, who are supposedly enjoying a date, according to the media outlet.

The two usually went on their dates by using their personal cars and met late at nights, when they’d catch the least amount of eyes, to go on drives.

They were even spotted together on the 14th when Tony waited for Hyeri near the girls’ agency. After returning from her schedule, Hyeri apparently looked around cautiously before getting into Tony’s car, which then took off to Olympic Road.

After enjoying a long drive, the two stopped by a cafe with a great view of the Han River as they spent time having tea and talking. According to the media outlet, Tony An would smile happily as he looked fondly at Hyeri, who would show off aegyo to her older boyfriend.

After the cafe, the two headed back to Hyeri’s agency where Tony stayed put until he was able to witness Hyeri going back into the building.

The couple, with an age gap of 16 years, supposedly started dating back in March. Tony approached Hyeri first after seeing her bright and energetic personality on music programs, and through their dates, Hyeri became attracted to Tony’s gentle manners.

The agencies of both are aware of the two’s meetings, according to Sports Seoul, who says that the agencies have said, “It’s true that they’re meeting with fond feelings… They’re still at a stage where they’re getting to know each other. Please look over them fondly.”

With the release of ‘Sports Seoul‘s report, agencies of both Tony An and Girl’s Day‘s Hyeri have confirmed the dating report to various media outlets over the phone, as well as releasing an official statement through Twitter in Dream Tea Entertainment‘s case. They both commented that although it is true that they’ve gone on dates, both agencies stress that the two stars are still getting to know each other and have only been seeing each other since March.

Tony’s agency, TN Entertainment, confirmed over the phone, “Tony and Hyeri started to meet in March… They’re currently getting to know one another,” and “It’s true that they’re seeing each other. It’s been about 2 months now, so it’s hard to call it a ‘relationship’ at the moment. They are getting to know each other with fond feelings.”

In addition to their confirmation over the phone, Dream Tea has also revealed their official statement through Girl’s Day’s Twitter. The statement read,

“We bow our heads and send our apologetic hearts for all the fans, whom we’ve caused concern, due to the issue regarding Hyeri. First of all, we are sorry to the fans that we, the agency, weren’t already aware of the two meeting one another.

After confirming with Hyeri, we have learned that the two previously were of sunbae-hoobae relationship, but in March, during the early stage of Girl’s Day’s full length album comeback, [Hyeri] was contacted about seeing each other, and attracted to his gentle nature and kind manners, they met a couple of times and talked with one another.

From what we know, they’ve exchanged advices and consolations about their daily lives and the entertainment industry. Hyeri is currently having a hard time due to all the attention upon the two.

We request that assumptions and exaggerated stories do not come about from all of you and the media, and we once again apologize for worrying fans.”

‘Sports Seoul‘ merilis foto - foto kencan Tony An dari grup idola tahun 1990an H.O.T dengan Hyeri dari grup idola Girl’s Day  yang menjembatani kesenjangan generasi antara  generasi idola pertama dan kedua.

Setelah dua bulan mengamati keduanya dan mengumpulkan informasi, Sports Seoul telah merilis foto-foto  Tony dan Hyeri, yang sedang menikmati kencan

Kedua biasanya pergi pada tanggal dengan menggunakan mobil pribadi mereka dan bertemu larut malam, ketika mereka akan menangkap sedikitnya jumlah mata, untuk pergi pada drive.

Foto-foto menurut ‘Sports Seoul‘ pada 14 April 2013 ketika Tony menunggu Hyeri didekat agency Hyeri setelah kembali dari jadwalnya. Hyeri rupanya melihat sekeliling dengan hati-hati sebelum masuk ke mobil Tony, yang kemudian meluncur ke Jalan Olimpiade.

Setelah menikmati perjalanan panjang, keduanya berhenti di sebuah kafe dengan pemandangan Sungai Han dan mereka menghabiskan waktu dengan minum teh dan berbicara. Menurut outlet media, Tony An nampak tersenyum bahagia saat ia menatap sayang pada Hyeri, yang akan memamerkan aegyo untuk pacarnya yang jauh lebih tua itu.

Setelah menikmati waktu di kafe, keduanya kembali ke agency Hyeri di mana Tony mengantarkan sampai ia  menyaksikan Hyeri masuk  kembali ke dalam gedung.

Pasangan itu, dengan perbedaan usia 16 tahun, seharusnya mulai berkencan kembali pada bulan Maret. Tony mendekati Hyeri pertama setelah melihat kepribadiannya yang cerah dan energik pada program musik, dan  Hyeri menjadi tertarik pada sikap lembut Tony.

Agency keduanya menyadari pertemuan keduanya menurut Sports Seoul, yang mengatakan bahwa agency telah mengatakan, "Ini benar bahwa mereka sedang bertemu dengan perasaan suka ... Mereka masih pada tahap di mana mereka mengenal satu sama lain. Silahkan mendukung mereka. "

Baik agency Tony An dan  Hyeri telah mengkonfirmasi laporan kencan mereka ke berbagai media melalui telepon, serta merilis pernyataan resmi melalui Twitter di Dream Tea Entertainment. Mereka berdua berkomentar bahwa meskipun benar bahwa mereka telah berkencan,namun kedua bintang itu menyatakan masih mengenal satu sama lain dan hanya telah melihat satu sama lain sejak Maret.

Agency Tony TN Entertainment, dikonfirmasi melalui telepon, " Tony dan Hyeri mulai bertemu di bulan Maret ... Mereka sedang mengenal satu sama lain," dan "Memang benar bahwa mereka melihat satu sama lain. Sudah sekitar 2 bulan sekarang, jadi sulit untuk menyebutnya 'hubungan' saat ini. Mereka mengenal satu sama lain dengan perasaan suka. "

Selain konfirmasi mereka melalui telepon, Dream Tea Entertainment juga mengungkapkan pernyataan resmi mereka melalui Twitter  Girl Day . Pernyataan itu berbunyi ;

"Kami menundukkan kepala kami dan mengirim hati untuk meminta maaf kami untuk semua penggemar, dimana kita telah menimbulkan kekhawatiran, karena isu mengenai Hyeri. Pertama-tama, kami mohon maaf kepada fans bahwa kami agency tidak  menyadari pertemuan keduanya satu sama lain.

Setelah konfirmasi dengan Hyeri, kita telah tau bahwa hubungan keduanya sebelumnya adalah dari sunbae-hoobae , namun pada bulan Maret, selama tahap awal comeback full album Girl’s Day ,  [Hyeri] menyatakan tentang melihat satu sama lain, dan tertarik atas sifat lembut t dan  sopan santun (Tony An ), mereka bertemu beberapa kali dan berbicara  satu sama lain.

Dari apa yang kita tahu, mereka telah saling bertukar nasihat dan penghiburan tentang kehidupan sehari-hari dan industri hiburan. Hyeri saat ini mengalami kesulitan karena semua perhatian tertuju pada mereka.

Kami meminta agar asumsi dan cerita berlebihan tidak terjadi dari kalian semua dan media, dan kami sekali lagi minta maaf karena mengkhawatirkan penggemar. "

 #Chukaeee moga langgeng dech :) btw gimana ya reaksi Sung Shi Won (Eunji A pink ) di drama repply 1997 jika denger berita ini pasti dia menangis keras "oppppaaaaaaaa" sambil menarik rambut Yoon Jae LOL 


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