Park Si Hoo in the process of hiring an additional legal team for his case

Park Si Hoo is currently in the process of recruiting another law firm to represent him.

After his case was forwarded to the prosecutors as quasi-rape and sexual battery, he’s sought the help of the law firm Choongjung in addition to his original Purme. It’s been said that both sides as well as Purume are currently working out the details so that the two law firms will co-represent Park Si Hoo.

Choongjung will be Park Si Hoo’s third law firm in the case. He originally had Hwawoo, but then had changed to Purme. As for Choongjung, it’s said to be a large law firm that specializes in restructuring, international trade, and civil and criminal lawsuits.

Park Si Hoo saat ini sedang dalam proses perekrutan firma hukum lain untuk mewakilinya.

Setelah kasusnya diteruskan ke jaksa, dia meminta bantuan dari biro hukum Choongjung selain biro hukum Purme sebelumnya. Ada yang mengatakan bahwa kedua belah pihak serta Purume sedang bekerja di luar rincian sehingga dua firma hukum akan bekerja mewakili Park Si Hoo.

Choongjung akan menjadi firma hukum ketiga Park Shi Hoo dalam kasus ini. Dia awalnya memakai Firma Hukum Hwawoo, tapi kemudian telah berubah menjadi Purme. Adapun Choongjung, itu dikatakan sebuah firma hukum besar yang mengkhususkan diri dalam restrukturisasi, perdagangan internasional, dan tuntutan hukum perdata dan pidana.

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