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Following earlier reports claiming that longtime friends Chen Kun and Vicki Zhao have fallen out with each other, several of the latter's good friends have 'unfollowed'?? the Chinese actor on his weibo (Chinese microblog) account, including iconic singer Faye Wong.

Earlier this week, sharp-eyed netizens observed that Chen Kun deleted his comments on his past microblog post which he wrote to thank Vicki for supporting his movie Let The Bullets Fly at the cinemas. In addition, a person believed to be Vicki's brother also commented on the post to criticise the actor. He wrote: 'Vicki doesn't need a '??friend' like you.'??

The relationship between the two Chinese stars was previously rumoured to have soured after a series of suggestive microblog posts on 'friendship'?? by Chen Kun and his lack of support for Vicki's directorial debut Our Eventually Lost Youth which premiered last month.

Although Chen Kun's manager emphasised that the actor personally bought tickets to catch the film, the latter insinuated that he had not actually done so while speaking to the media at Cannes Film Festival this week. Despite denying that he is on bad terms with Vicki, the discrepancy between his and his manager's words caused the actor to suffer massive backlash from the fans.

Menyusul laporan sebelumnya yang menyatakan bahwa hubungan persahabatan aktor Chen Kun dan Vicki Zhao telah memburuk, beberapa teman baik Vicky  'unfollowed'?  di (microblog Cina) akun weibo Chen Kun, termasuk penyanyi ikonik Faye Wong.

Awal pekan ini, netizens yang bermata tajam mengamati bahwa Chen Kun menghapus komentarnya atas  postingannya di microblog di masa lalu yang ia tulis untuk berterima kasih pada Vicki yang mendukung filmnya Let The Bullets Fly di bioskop. Selain itu, seseorang yang diyakini saudara Vicki juga mengomentari pos untuk mengkritik aktor. Dia menulis: "Vicki tidak perlu 'teman?' Seperti Anda."??

Hubungan antara dua bintang Cina itu sebelumnya dikabarkan telah memburuk setelah serangkaian sugestif microblog posting tentang 'persahabatan'? oleh Chen Kun dan kurangnya dukungan untuk debut Vicki sebagai sutradara film
Our Eventually Lost Youth yang ditayangkan bulan lalu.

Meskipun manajer Chen Kun menekankan bahwa aktor itu secara pribadi membeli tiket untuk menonton film, yang terakhir menyindir bahwa ia tidak benar-benar melakukannya saat berbicara kepada media di Festival Film Cannes pekan ini. Meskipun menyangkal bahwa hubungannya memburuk dengan Vicki, perbedaan antara kata-kata dan manajernya menyebabkan aktor menderita reaksi besar dari para fans.

#Aigooo kok bisa segitunya sih :(

Source.Groove Asia

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