Zo In Sung shook up Malaysia and Singapore with his deep eyes and good looks.

The actor recently promoted the drama That Winter, the Wind Blows in Malaysia after arriving at the country on May 20.

Before meeting with fans, he attended interviews with press, radio and magazines on May 21, then moved to a large shopping mall in downtown Kuala Lumpur to see his fans.

After promoting in Malaysia, he flew over to Singapore, then attended more interviews and met with fans in a special event from May 22.

The event drew about 5,000 fans, and the actor proudly waved his hands at the crowds filling the venue up to its second and third floors. He also got fans excited by introducing the drama himself and talking about what went on behind the scenes.

Zo In Sung tried to look into the eyes of as many fans as possible, and continued to flash victory signs for those taking pictures.
An official who hosted the promotions said, "Many fans who had become taken with Zo In Sung′s acting in That Winter again fell for him with the recent promotions due to his gentleness and perfect visuals."

The rep added, "Local press also participated a lot in the events. They showed great interest in his future pieces. We were able to see how he represents Korea, and we′re looking forward to his future."

Zo In Sung plans to continue promoting overseas.

Jo In Sung mengguncang Malaysia dan Singapura dengan mata yang mendalam dan imagenya yang good looking.

Aktor ini baru-baru ini mempromosikan drama barunya That Winter, the Wind Blows di Malaysia setelah tiba di negara itu pada 20 Mei.

Sebelum bertemu dengan fans, ia menghadiri wawancara dengan pers, radio dan majalah pada 21 Mei, kemudian pindah ke pusat perbelanjaan besar di pusat kota Kuala Lumpur untuk melihat fans.

Setelah promosi di Malaysia, ia terbang ke Singapura, kemudian menghadiri wawancara lagi dan bertemu dengan penggemar dalam acara khusus dari 22 Mei.

Acara ini menarik sekitar 5.000 penggemar, dan aktor dengan bangga melambaikan tangannya . Dia juga mendapatkan antusiasme fans dengan memperkenalkan drama sendiri dan berbicara tentang apa yang terjadi di balik layar.

Seorang pejabat yang menjadi tuan rumah promosi berkata, "Banyak fans yang telah  jatuh cinta dengan akting Jo In Sung di drama
That Winter, the Wind Blows   karena kelembutannya dan visual yang sempurna."

Rep menambahkan, "Pers lokal juga berpartisipasi banyak dalam peristiwa. Mereka menunjukkan minat yang besar dalam potongan masa depannya. Kami mampu untuk melihat bagaimana ia mewakili Korea, dan kami melihat ke depan untuk masa depannya."
Jo In Sung berencana untuk terus mempromosikan luar negeri.

#Wah oppa kok nggak mampir ke Indonesia sih :(


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