Psy palsu dengan Naomie Harris dan Dylan Don

While Psy is busy doing his thing, traveling and promoting around the world, one place he is definitely not is Cannes.

But many, including the rich, powerful and famous, believed the internationally famous Korean musician was there.

According to the NYPost, a Psy imposter popped up at the Cannes film festival in France and took advantage of his similar physique (body, not face) and the simplicity of Psy′s now iconic look to get a whole bunch of free swag at the huge film festival.

Actress Naomie Harris even tweeted a photo with Psy, adding "Me and @psy_oppa at the @Chopard party in #Cannes!! Xx"

After learning that he was an imposter, she later tweeted, "It looks as if we′ve been fooled, that wasn′t the real @psy_oppa! Could anyone else tell from the picture? Or am I just going crazy!? Haha!"

Beyond the Chopard party, the fake Psy (dubbed Psych! by NYPost) was interviewed by France′s Radio Prestige, got free drinks and food and attended highly exclusive events.

Once the real Psy found out what was going on, he called him out, albeit in his trademark good-natured way, tweeting, "seems like there’s another ME at cannes…say Hi to him @scooterbraun lol #PSYinSINGAPORE."

All we have to say is, yes while fake Psy is lame for pulling this stunt, we have to say everyone who fell for it is even lamer.

Psych! doesn′t even remotely resemble Real Psy, even with his eyes covered with sunglasses. To this we say, remember - not all Asians are the same. 

Psy nyata di Bandara Incheon Korea

Sementara Psy sedang sibuk melakukan kegiatannya, tour dan mempromosikan di seluruh dunia, satu tempat dia pasti tidak datang adalah Cannes.

Tetapi banyak oramh, termasuk orang kaya, kuat dan terkenal, meyakini musisi terkenal Korea internasional itu ada di sana.

Menurut NYPost , seorang penipu menyamar menjadi Psy muncul di festival film Cannes di Perancis dan mengambil keuntungan dari kemiripan fisiknya (tubuh, bukan wajah) dan kesederhanaan tampilan yang menjadi ikonik Psy untuk mendapatkan sejumlah besar barang curian gratis di festival film besar.

Aktris Naomie Harris bahkan tweeted foto dengan Psy palsu , menambahkan "Aku dan @ psy_oppa di Chopard party @ # di Cannes! Xx"

Setelah mengetahui bahwa ia adalah seorang penipu, ia kemudian tweeted, "Sepertinya kita telah tertipu, itu tidak nyata @ psy_oppa! Bisakah orang lain tahu dari gambar? Atau aku hanya akan gila!? Haha! "

Di luar  pesta Chopard,  Psy palsu (dijuluki Psych! Oleh NYPost) diwawancarai oleh Radio Prancis Radio Prestige, mendapat minuman  dan makanan gratis dan menghadiri acara yang sangat eksklusif.

Setelah Psy nyata mengetahui apa yang sedang terjadi, ia  tweeting, "sepertinya ada lagi aku di cannes ... mengatakan Hi kepadanya @ scooterbraun lol # PSYinSINGAPORE."

#hahaha aigooo sukses deh menipu ckckckck


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