Lee Eun Sung Opens Up About Her Wedding Announcement With Seo Taiji

Actress Lee Eun Sung (25) opens up about her marriage with one of Korea’s music icons Seo Taiji (41).

Seo Taiji announced their wedding on May 15 through his official homepage and not long after, Lee Eun Sung shared her feelings through his company’s website.

She started, “I loved his music since a long time ago, but I’d never thought I would meet him in person.” She first met him 2008 through a music video filming for track “Bermuda [Triangle]” off of his 8th album.

Lee Eun Sung continued, “When I saw him talking with peers and staff members at the music video filming site, I thought, ‘He’s an awesome person!’ Afterwards, we saw each other like it was fate and I fell for him. Now, I love him for his unexpected normalcy and easygoing personality.”

Lee Eun Sung made her debut through the first season of KBS’s “Banolim” in 2003 and also participated in the second season. She continued building up her resume with dramas “Que Sera, Sera,” “Evasive Inquiry Agency,” and “I Am Happy,” as well as picking up movie projects.

Aktris Lee Eun Sung (25) membuka tentang  pernikahannya dengan salah satu icon musik Korea Seo Taiji (41).

Seo Taiji mengumumkan pernikahan mereka pada 15 Mei melalui situs resminya dan tidak lama setelah itu, Lee Eun Sung berbagi perasaannya melalui website perusahaannya.

Dia memulai, "Aku menyukai musik sejak lama, tapi saya tidak pernah berpikir saya akan bertemu dengannya secara pribadi." Dia pertama kali bertemu tahun 2008 melalui film video musik untuk lagu "Bermuda [Segitiga]"  album ke 8nya.

Lee Eun Sung melanjutkan, "Ketika saya melihat dia berbicara dengan rekan-rekan dan anggota staf di lokasi syuting video musik, saya berpikir, 'Dia orang yang mengagumkan!" Setelah itu, kami melihat satu sama lain seperti itu nasib dan aku jatuh cinta padanya. Sekarang, aku mencintainya untuk kepribadiannya yang  tak terduga dan kepribadian santai. "

Lee Eun Sung memulai debutnya melalui drama musim pertama KBS "Banolim" pada tahun 2003 dan juga berpartisipasi di musim kedua. Dia terus membangun resumenya dengan drama "Que Sera, Sera," “Evasive Inquiry Agency,” & “I Am Happy,” serta mengambil proyek film.

#Wah pesona apa sih yang dimiliki ahjussi ini :D


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