After School continued to show evidence of their hard work and dedication to pole dancing with a sighting of their wounds on 'Star King'.

Nana, who was wearing shorts at the time, especially caught the sympathetic eyes of viewers with the bruises on her legs that can be seen from a mile away. Boom asked, "Did you injure yourself while you were practicing?", and Nana simply replied, "Yes." Kang Ho Dong then joked, "I heard that the relationship between the After School members is not good", teasing with his explanation of Nana's bruises.

Nana explained, "The moves that we practiced involved landing with our knees. We learned it for about six months. We started learning the basics and kept practicing. So we have a lot of wounds over our whole body."

Leader Jung Ah shared, "Even our hands are peeled and calloused. More than any other exercise, it works out your whole body. I even formed abs that I didn't have before."

After School effortlessly pulled off the intense pole dancing moves for title track, "First Love", proving that those six months of practice paid off!

Check out After School's pole dancing prowess below!

After School terus menunjukkan bukti kerja keras dan dedikasi mereka untuk pole dancing dengan penampakan akibat luka mereka di 'Star King'.

Nana, yang mengenakan celana pendek pada saat itu, terutama menangkap mata simpatik pemirsa dengan memar di kakinya yang dapat dilihat dari satu mil jauhnya.

Boom bertanya, "Apakah Anda melukai diri sendiri saat Anda sedang berlatih?", Dan Nana hanya menjawab, "Ya."

Kang Ho Dong kemudian bercanda, "Saya mendengar bahwa hubungan antara anggota After School tidak baik", menggoda dengan penjelasan penyebab memar Nana.

Nana menjelaskan, " kami berlatih terlibat mendarat dengan lutut kami. Kami belajar selama sekitar enam bulan. Kami mulai belajar dasar-dasar dan terus berlatih. Jadi kita memiliki banyak luka di seluruh tubuh kita."

Leader Jung Ah berbagi, "Bahkan tangan kita terkelupas dan kapalan. Lebih dari latihan lainnya, bekerja keluar seluruh tubuh Anda. Aku bahkan membentuk abs yang saya tidak memiliki sebelumnya."

After School merilis  intens pole dancing  untuk judul lagu, "First Love"  membuktikan bahwa  enam bulan  praktek mereka terbayar!

Lihat keahlian After School melakukan pole dancing  di bawah ini!

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