Before he was a star, MBLAQ’s Lee Joon was a big fan of Fin.K.L.
Lee Joon appeared as guest on SBS’ Incarnation, aired on June 25, where he was asked if he was close with 2NE1’s Sandara Park, CL, or Lee Hyori, who used to be the leader of Fin.K.L.
Although he admitted he’s not really friends, Lee Joon shyly pointed to Lee Hyori saying, “I really liked Fin.K.L.”
Seeing how nervous he was, Lee Hyori joked, asking if he was scared of her, but Lee Joon shook his head, explaining. “I used to follow Fin.K.L around on promotions and stuff, so my feelings right now are so weird.”
When Lee Joon said he used to go watch Fin.K.L perform around Forever days, Sandara Park piped up, asking Lee Joon if he ever saw her around, revealing that she was also a Fin.Kl fan.
“Who knew this could ever happen,” said Lee Joon, on working side-by-side with Lee Hyori.
He later added that when he was in junior high school, he even had a dream where he and Lee Hyori went to play at the beach.
"It made me really happy," said Lee Joon. "I used to like Sung Yuri the best, but after that, Lee Hyori became number one."
Lee Joon appeared as guest on SBS’ Incarnation, aired on June 25, where he was asked if he was close with 2NE1’s Sandara Park, CL, or Lee Hyori, who used to be the leader of Fin.K.L.
Although he admitted he’s not really friends, Lee Joon shyly pointed to Lee Hyori saying, “I really liked Fin.K.L.”
Seeing how nervous he was, Lee Hyori joked, asking if he was scared of her, but Lee Joon shook his head, explaining. “I used to follow Fin.K.L around on promotions and stuff, so my feelings right now are so weird.”
When Lee Joon said he used to go watch Fin.K.L perform around Forever days, Sandara Park piped up, asking Lee Joon if he ever saw her around, revealing that she was also a Fin.Kl fan.
“Who knew this could ever happen,” said Lee Joon, on working side-by-side with Lee Hyori.
He later added that when he was in junior high school, he even had a dream where he and Lee Hyori went to play at the beach.
"It made me really happy," said Lee Joon. "I used to like Sung Yuri the best, but after that, Lee Hyori became number one."

Sebelum ia menjadi bintang, Lee Joon MBLAQ adalah penggemar Fin.KL
Lee Joon tampil sebagai bintang tamu di SBS 'Inkarnation' yang ditayangkan pada 25 Juni 2013, di mana ia ditanya apakah ia dekat dengan 2NE1 Sandara Park, CL, atau Lee Hyori, yang pernah menjadi leader Fin.KL
Meskipun ia mengakui bahwa ia tidak benar-benar teman, Lee Joon malu-malu menunjuk Lee Hyori sambil berkata, "Aku benar-benar menyukai Fin.KL"
Lee Joon tampil sebagai bintang tamu di SBS 'Inkarnation' yang ditayangkan pada 25 Juni 2013, di mana ia ditanya apakah ia dekat dengan 2NE1 Sandara Park, CL, atau Lee Hyori, yang pernah menjadi leader Fin.KL
Meskipun ia mengakui bahwa ia tidak benar-benar teman, Lee Joon malu-malu menunjuk Lee Hyori sambil berkata, "Aku benar-benar menyukai Fin.KL"
Melihat betapa gugupnya dia, Lee Hyori bercanda, menanyakan apakah dia takut padanya, tapi Lee Joon menggeleng, menjelaskan. "Aku pernah mengikuti sekitar pada promosi dan barang Fin.KL, sehingga perasaan saya sekarang sangat aneh."
Ketika Lee Joon mengatakan ia pergi menonton Fin.KL dulu, Sandara Park menyela, meminta Lee Joon jika ia pernah melihatnya di sekitar, mengungkapkan bahwa dia juga seorang penggemar Fin.KL.
"Siapa tahu ini bisa terjadi," kata Lee Joon, bekerja dengan Lee Hyori.
Dia kemudian menambahkan bahwa ketika ia masih duduk di bangku SMP, ia bahkan bermimpi di mana ia dan Lee Hyori pergi untuk bermain di pantai.
"Itu membuat saya benar-benar bahagia," kata Lee Joon. "Aku dulu menyukai Sung Yuri yang terbaik, tapi setelah itu, Lee Hyori menjadi nomor satu."
#Wah jangan-jangan oppa bilang Lee Hyori menjadi nomor satu karena ada orangnya hahahaha
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