Cha Gwan-woo (Yoon Sang-hyeon) proposed to Jang Hye-seong (Lee Bo-yeong) with a forehand kiss.

On the seventh episode of the SBS drama "I Hear Your Voice", Cha Gwan-woo was able to solve a habitual theft case with the help of Jang Hye-seong.

Jang Hye-seong found out through Park Soo-ha (Lee Jong-suk) that the defendant and victim were related and helped the co-defendant avoid a sentence.

Cha Gwan-woo was amazed that Jeong Hye-seong didn't let go of the case until the end. Cha Gwan-woo put his lips to her forehand and asked her to date him.

Cha Gwan-woo continued, "I am smiling on the outside but actually I'm shaking on the inside. Answer me quickly. Don't you like me?" Jang Hye-seong blurted out, "No, I like you" and Park Soo-ha, who was watching them, turned around bitterly.

Cha Gwan-woo (Yoon Sang-hyeon) melamar untuk Jang Hye-seong (Lee Bo-yeong) dengan ciuman ditangan.

Pada episode ketujuh dari drama SBS "I Hear Your Voice", Cha Gwan-woo mampu memecahkan kasus pencurian kebiasaan dengan bantuan Jang Hye-seong.

Jang Hye-seong menemukan melalui Park Soo-ha (Lee Jong-suk) bahwa terdakwa dan korban yang terkait dan membantu rekan-terdakwa menghindari kalimat.

Cha Gwan-woo kagum bahwa Jeong Hye-seong tidak melepaskan kasus sampai akhir. Cha Gwan-woo menempelkan bibirnya ke tangan Jeong Hye Seong dan memintanya berkencan dengannya.

Cha Gwan-woo melanjutkan, "Saya tersenyum di luar tapi sebenarnya aku gemetar di dalam. Jawablah dengan cepat. Apakah kamu tidak menyukai aku?" Jang Hye-seong berseru, "Tidak, aku suka kamu" dan Park Soo-ha, yang mengawasi mereka, berbalik pahit.

#Huaaaa kasian Park Soo Ha ( Lee Jong Suk ) :(


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