Making fans gasp for air, Super Junior-M’s Henry bared his clean back in a recent photoshoot with fashion magazine Grazia.

Photos from the photoshoot were revealed on July 4, showing Henry’s muscular back as he casually looked elsewhere.

While Henry has gone shirtless before, especially for his first solo album, Trap, the photos revealed Henry without the colorful tattoos that he sported in teasers and album images.

It’s said that many staff members praised Henry’s well-sculptured figure, made from rigorous dancing and exercise.

In the interview with Grazia, Henry talked about his audition process as well as the journey he took to go solo today.

The issue will be released on July 5.

Meanwhile, Henry continues promotions for Trap, receiving much attention for his musical abilities. 

Membuat penggemar terkesiap ,Henry  Super Junior-M ' memamerkan  punggungnya yang bersih dalam pemotretan baru-baru ini dengan majalah Fashion Grazia.

Foto  itu terungkap pada 4 Juli, menunjukkan  Henry saat ia santai .

Sementara Henry telah tampil bertelanjang dada sebelumnya, terutama untuk album solo pertamanya, Trap, foto-foto mengungkapkan Henry tanpa tato warna-warni .

Ini mengatakan bahwa banyak anggota staf dipuji dengan baik sosok Henry

Dalam wawancara dengan Grazia, Henry berbicara tentang proses audisi nya serta perjalanan ia mengambil untuk bersolo karier hari ini.

Foto dan wawancara ini akan dirilis pada tanggal 5 Juli.

Sementara itu, Henry terus promosi untuk Trap, menerima banyak perhatian untuk kemampuan musiknya.

#Awwwwwww Awwwwwwwwww


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