Penggemar mungkin tahu, T-ara memiliki sistem berputar untuk Leader. Beberapa anggota telah mengisi posisi yang didambakan selama bertahun-tahun, bergiliran sebagai Leader kelompok gadis populer.
Qri akan menggantikan Soyeon, yang akan mundur setelah satu setengah tahun di kursi kapten.
"Qri akan menjadi pemimpin baru T-ara di promosi babak berikutnya " kata Core Contents Media. Tahap pertama sebagai leader datang kemarin di Budokan Tokyo, di mana ia disambut ribuan fans dan berjanji untuk merawat kelompok.
Best of luck untuk pemimpin baru!
Qri akan menggantikan Soyeon, yang akan mundur setelah satu setengah tahun di kursi kapten.
"Qri akan menjadi pemimpin baru T-ara di promosi babak berikutnya " kata Core Contents Media. Tahap pertama sebagai leader datang kemarin di Budokan Tokyo, di mana ia disambut ribuan fans dan berjanji untuk merawat kelompok.
Best of luck untuk pemimpin baru!
As fans might know, T-ara has a rotating leader system. Several members have filled the coveted position over the years, taking turns as the head of the popular girl group.
Qri will be replacing Soyeon, who will be stepping down after one and a half years in the captain's chair.
"Qri will be the new leader of T-ara beginning in the next round of promotions," Core Contents Media stated. Her first stage as leader came yesterday at the Tokyo Budokan, where she greeted thousands of fans and promised to take good care of the group.
Best of luck to the new leader!
Qri will be replacing Soyeon, who will be stepping down after one and a half years in the captain's chair.
"Qri will be the new leader of T-ara beginning in the next round of promotions," Core Contents Media stated. Her first stage as leader came yesterday at the Tokyo Budokan, where she greeted thousands of fans and promised to take good care of the group.
Best of luck to the new leader!
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