Taecyeon 2PM membuat berita utama ketika ia diterima di Universitas Korea dan mendapat pujian dari fans dan publik pada awalnya, tetapi sekarang telah melaporkan bahwa bertentangan dengan kepercayaan populer, ia belum menghadiri kelas.
Dia sebelumnya pernah mengatakan, "Aku bertanya-tanya akan seperti apa jika saya membantu menggunakan pengaruh saya sebagai bagian dari 2PM dalam cara yang baik, jadi saya memutuskan . Aku mungkin tidak sarjana, tapi itu adalah sesuatu yang saya ingin mencoba. Aku akan bekerja keras sehingga saya bisa menjadi duta perdamaian. "
Meskipun beberapa artikel telah melaporkan bahwa Taecyeon rajin menghadiri kelas, namun seorang siswa sebenarnya di Sekolah Studi Internasional mengungkapkan bahwa Taecyeon belum menghadiri kelas. Dalam salah satu daftar hadir untuk kelas Taeceyon, hal itu menunjukkan Taecyeon belum pernah ke kelas sejak awal semester dan profesor tampaknya sudah menyerah pada menandai adanya Taecyeon setelah beberapa saat.
Dia sebelumnya pernah mengatakan, "Aku bertanya-tanya akan seperti apa jika saya membantu menggunakan pengaruh saya sebagai bagian dari 2PM dalam cara yang baik, jadi saya memutuskan . Aku mungkin tidak sarjana, tapi itu adalah sesuatu yang saya ingin mencoba. Aku akan bekerja keras sehingga saya bisa menjadi duta perdamaian. "
Meskipun beberapa artikel telah melaporkan bahwa Taecyeon rajin menghadiri kelas, namun seorang siswa sebenarnya di Sekolah Studi Internasional mengungkapkan bahwa Taecyeon belum menghadiri kelas. Dalam salah satu daftar hadir untuk kelas Taeceyon, hal itu menunjukkan Taecyeon belum pernah ke kelas sejak awal semester dan profesor tampaknya sudah menyerah pada menandai adanya Taecyeon setelah beberapa saat.
Satu siswa yang berada di kelas 5 Taecyeon mengatakan bahwa dia melihat Taecyeon sekali selama seluruh semester, yang mengarah netizens bertanya-tanya apakah itu berarti ia juga belum menyerahkan laporan yang diperlukan atau mengambil ujian tengah semester dan final.
Korea University School of International Studies mengatakan, "Dengan peraturan sekolah, siswa mendapatkan F jika dia absen lebih dari 1/6th dari kelas. Namun, ada sebagian di mana profesor dapat memberikan pendapat sendiri untuk kelas. Meskipun Taecyeon terdaftar, ia merindukan kelas, jadi dia mungkin belum menerima nilai. Sulit baginya untuk mengharapkan nilai jika ia tidak datang untuk setiap kelas. "
Dalam menanggapi laporan tersebut, netizens telah menyuarakan berbagai pendapat yang berkisar dari mengkritik selebriti yang menggunakan status dan citra mereka untuk dapat diterima dalam sekolah hanya untuk tidak hadir pada akhirnya, untuk alasan bahwa Taecyeon mungkin terlalu sibuk dengan promosi 2PM akhir-akhir ini dan harus diberikan kesempatan untuk menjelaskan.
Korea University School of International Studies mengatakan, "Dengan peraturan sekolah, siswa mendapatkan F jika dia absen lebih dari 1/6th dari kelas. Namun, ada sebagian di mana profesor dapat memberikan pendapat sendiri untuk kelas. Meskipun Taecyeon terdaftar, ia merindukan kelas, jadi dia mungkin belum menerima nilai. Sulit baginya untuk mengharapkan nilai jika ia tidak datang untuk setiap kelas. "
Dalam menanggapi laporan tersebut, netizens telah menyuarakan berbagai pendapat yang berkisar dari mengkritik selebriti yang menggunakan status dan citra mereka untuk dapat diterima dalam sekolah hanya untuk tidak hadir pada akhirnya, untuk alasan bahwa Taecyeon mungkin terlalu sibuk dengan promosi 2PM akhir-akhir ini dan harus diberikan kesempatan untuk menjelaskan.
Taecyeon lulus dari Universitas Dankook dengan gelar di bidang administrasi bisnis dan diterima ke Korea University Graduate School of International Studies.
2PM's Taecyeon made headlines when he was accepted in to Korea University's School of International Studies and earned praise from fans and the public initially, but it has now been reported that contrary to popular belief, he hasn't been attending his classes.
He'd previously said, "I wondered what it'd be like if I helped use the influence I have as part of 2PM internationally in a good way, so I decided on that major. I might not be a scholar, but It's something I want to try. I'm going to work hard so that I can become an ambassador of peace."
Even though some articles had reported that Taecyeon was diligently attending classes, asking an actual student at the School of International Studies revealed that Taecyeon had yet to attend his classes. In one of the attendance lists for Taeceyon's class, it shows Taecyeon had never been to class since the beginning of the semester and the professor seems to have given up on marking Taecyeon's absence after a while.
One student who was in 5 of Taecyeon's classes said that he'd seen Taecyeon once during the entire semester, leading netizens to wonder whether that means he also hasn't handed in necessary reports nor taken the midterms and finals.
Korea University's School of International Studies said, "By school rules, a student get an F is he is absent for more than 1/6th of the classes. However, there is a portion where the professor can give his own opinions for a grade. Even though Taecyeon registered, he missed his classes, so he probably hasn't received grades. It's difficult for him to expect grades if he's not coming to any classes."
In response to the report, netizens have been voicing various opinions that range from criticizing celebrities who use their status and image to be accepted into the school only to not attend in the end, to reasoning that Taecyeon was probably too busy with 2PM promotions lately to attend and should be given a chance to explain.
Taecyeon graduated from Dankook University with a degree in business administration and was accepted into Korea University Graduate School of International Studies.
He'd previously said, "I wondered what it'd be like if I helped use the influence I have as part of 2PM internationally in a good way, so I decided on that major. I might not be a scholar, but It's something I want to try. I'm going to work hard so that I can become an ambassador of peace."
Even though some articles had reported that Taecyeon was diligently attending classes, asking an actual student at the School of International Studies revealed that Taecyeon had yet to attend his classes. In one of the attendance lists for Taeceyon's class, it shows Taecyeon had never been to class since the beginning of the semester and the professor seems to have given up on marking Taecyeon's absence after a while.
One student who was in 5 of Taecyeon's classes said that he'd seen Taecyeon once during the entire semester, leading netizens to wonder whether that means he also hasn't handed in necessary reports nor taken the midterms and finals.
Korea University's School of International Studies said, "By school rules, a student get an F is he is absent for more than 1/6th of the classes. However, there is a portion where the professor can give his own opinions for a grade. Even though Taecyeon registered, he missed his classes, so he probably hasn't received grades. It's difficult for him to expect grades if he's not coming to any classes."
In response to the report, netizens have been voicing various opinions that range from criticizing celebrities who use their status and image to be accepted into the school only to not attend in the end, to reasoning that Taecyeon was probably too busy with 2PM promotions lately to attend and should be given a chance to explain.
Taecyeon graduated from Dankook University with a degree in business administration and was accepted into Korea University Graduate School of International Studies.
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