Aktor Ha Jung Woo menerima perhatian karena terlihat  mirip sebagai versi pria dari Sulli f (x) .

Gambar di atas baru-baru ini diposting pada papan komunitas online dengan judul, "Ha Jung Woo terlihat sama dengan  Sulli "

Posting menunjukkan berbagai gambar Sulli dan sang aktor dengan ekspresi yang sama, dan netizens sangat terkejut melihat kemiripan antara dua bintang, terutama karena  gaya rambut boyish Sulli.

Setelah melihat pos, netizens berkomentar, "Sulli mungkin merasa itu tidak adil, tetapi mereka terlihat sama," dan "Guy Sulli Ha Jung Woo."

#Aigoo ada-ada aja ?? apa mereka mirip menurut cingudeul ???

Actor Ha Jung Woo is receiving attention for being a male look alike of f(x)'s Sulli.

The above picture was recently shared on an online community board with the title, "Ha Jung Woo is Sulli's look alike." The post shows various pictures of Sulli and the actor with similar expressions, and netizens were very surprised to see the resemblance between the two stars, especially because of Sulli's boyish hairstyle.

After seeing the post, netizens commented, "Sulli may feel it's unfair, but they do look alike," and "Guy Sulli Ha Jung Woo."


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