Membiarkan netizens untuk meninjau kembali, foto-foto lama masa lalu Yoo Seung Ho dan anggota Super Junior Choi Siwon muncul kembali di web, membawa senyum ke wajah orang yang melihatnya.
Baru-baru ini dalam komunitas online, foto-foto Yoo Seung Ho dan Choi Siwon bersama-sama telah beredar.
Baru-baru ini dalam komunitas online, foto-foto Yoo Seung Ho dan Choi Siwon bersama-sama telah beredar.
Foto-foto ditelusuri kembali ke drama 2005 KBS Letter to the Parents, menelusuri kembali ketika Yoo Seung Ho baru berusia 11 tahun sementara Choi Siwon adalah 18 tahun.
Sementara masih terlihat tampan hari ini, foto membuat netizens untuk mengagumi berapa banyak Yoo Seung Ho telah tumbuh sejak tahun 2005 dalam usia dan status.
Netizens berkomentar, "Aku tidak pernah tahu Yoo Seung Ho dan Choi Siwon melakukan drama bersama-sama," "Yoo Seung Ho tumbuh dengan baik," "Mereka berdua hanya tampak seperti laki-laki sekarang, tapi saat itu Yoo Seung Ho masih kecil dan Choi Siwon adalah ajusshi, "dan" Mereka berdua tumbuh dengan sangat baik. "
Yoo Seung Ho saat ini melayani di militer, sementara Choi Siwon saat ini sedang tur dengan Super Junior.
#Huaaa sumpah aq ngakak guling-guling liat foto ini. Siwon dah gede saat itu sementara Yoo Seung Ho masih unyu2. Tapi sekarang ?? seperti nggak beda jauh aigooo

Allowing netizens to revisit the past, old photos of Yoo Seung Ho and Super Junior’s Choi Siwon resurfaced on the web, bringing smiles to people’s faces.
Recently in online communities, photos of Yoo Seung Ho and Choi Siwon together have been floating around.
The photos traced back to 2005′s KBS drama Letter to the Parents, tracing back to when Yoo Seung Ho was only 11 years old while Choi Siwon was 18.
While still handsome today, the photos allowed netizens to marvel at how much the stars have grown since 2005 in age and status.
Netizens commented, “I never knew Yoo Seung Ho and Choi Siwon did a drama together,” “Yoo Seung Ho grew up so well,” “They both just seem like men now, but back then Yoo Seung Ho was a baby and Choi Siwon was an ajusshi,” and “They both grew up really well.”
Yoo Seung Ho is currently serving in the military while Choi Siwon is currently on tour with Super Junior.
Recently in online communities, photos of Yoo Seung Ho and Choi Siwon together have been floating around.
The photos traced back to 2005′s KBS drama Letter to the Parents, tracing back to when Yoo Seung Ho was only 11 years old while Choi Siwon was 18.
While still handsome today, the photos allowed netizens to marvel at how much the stars have grown since 2005 in age and status.
Netizens commented, “I never knew Yoo Seung Ho and Choi Siwon did a drama together,” “Yoo Seung Ho grew up so well,” “They both just seem like men now, but back then Yoo Seung Ho was a baby and Choi Siwon was an ajusshi,” and “They both grew up really well.”
Yoo Seung Ho is currently serving in the military while Choi Siwon is currently on tour with Super Junior.
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