Proses dari 12 rekrutan selebriti yang kembali ditempatkan ke unit lapangan yang berbeda telah dimulai.
Sembilan dari tentara yakni Leeteuk, Kim Moo Yeol, Lee Hyuk Gi, Kim Min Soo, Kim Ho Young, Lee Seok Hoon, Ryu Sang Wook, Lee Ji Hoon, dan Choi Jae Hwan, telah dipindahkan.
Sembilan dari tentara yakni Leeteuk, Kim Moo Yeol, Lee Hyuk Gi, Kim Min Soo, Kim Ho Young, Lee Seok Hoon, Ryu Sang Wook, Lee Ji Hoon, dan Choi Jae Hwan, telah dipindahkan.
Kim Moo Yeol dan Leeteuk dipindahkan ke unit-12, Lee Hyuk Gi ke unit-21, Kim Min Soo ke unit-27, Kim Ho Young untuk unit 2, Lee Seok Hoon ke unit-7, Ryu Sang Wook ke Unit - 6 t, Lee Ji Hoon ke unit 5, dan Choi Jae Hwan di unit flag signa.
Tiga prajurit yang saat ini menjalani hukuman mereka di penjara militer Se7en, Sangchu, dan Lee Joon Hyuk, akan dipindahkan ke stasiun baru mereka pada tanggal 9.
Tiga prajurit yang saat ini menjalani hukuman mereka di penjara militer Se7en, Sangchu, dan Lee Joon Hyuk, akan dipindahkan ke stasiun baru mereka pada tanggal 9.
Se7en akan dipindahkan ke unit 8, Sangchu ke unit 15, dan Lee Joon Hyuk ke unit 3. Semua dari mereka akan bersenjata senapan.
The process of the 12 celebrity recruits being re-stationed into different field units has begun.
Nine of the soldiers - Leeteuk, Kim Moo Yeol, Lee Hyuk Gi, Kim Min Soo, Kim Ho Young, Lee Seok Hoon, Ryu Sang Wook, Lee Ji Hoon, and Choi Jae Hwan, have already been moved. Kim Moo Yeol and Leeteuk were transferred to the 12th unit, Lee Hyuk Gi to the 21st unit, Kim Min Soo to the 27th unit, Kim Ho Young to the 2nd unit, Lee Seok Hoon to the 7th unit, Ryu Sang Wook to the 6th unit, Lee Ji Hoon to the 5th unit, and Choi Jae Hwan in the flag signal unit.
The three soldiers who are currently serving their sentence in military prison - Se7en, Sangchu, and Lee Joon Hyuk, will be transferred to their new stations on the 9th. Se7en will be transferred to the 8th unit, Sangchu to the 15th unit, and Lee Joon Hyuk to the 3rd unit. All of them will be riflemen.
Nine of the soldiers - Leeteuk, Kim Moo Yeol, Lee Hyuk Gi, Kim Min Soo, Kim Ho Young, Lee Seok Hoon, Ryu Sang Wook, Lee Ji Hoon, and Choi Jae Hwan, have already been moved. Kim Moo Yeol and Leeteuk were transferred to the 12th unit, Lee Hyuk Gi to the 21st unit, Kim Min Soo to the 27th unit, Kim Ho Young to the 2nd unit, Lee Seok Hoon to the 7th unit, Ryu Sang Wook to the 6th unit, Lee Ji Hoon to the 5th unit, and Choi Jae Hwan in the flag signal unit.
The three soldiers who are currently serving their sentence in military prison - Se7en, Sangchu, and Lee Joon Hyuk, will be transferred to their new stations on the 9th. Se7en will be transferred to the 8th unit, Sangchu to the 15th unit, and Lee Joon Hyuk to the 3rd unit. All of them will be riflemen.
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