Pada Januari 2011, Big Hit Entertainment menandatangani kontrak dengan perusahaan kosmetik 'i.myss'  yang memungkinka untuk menggunakan nama & gambar  2AM untuk mempromosikan bisnisnya.

Namun,  'i.myss'  terus gagal untuk membayar penggunaan 2AM sebagai model untuk produk mereka, sehingga Big Hit Entertainment akhirnya menggugat perusahaan pada bulan Mei untuk biaya pemodelan. Mereka mengeluh bahwa 'i.myss' tidak membayar uang meskipun perusahaan masih menghasilkan uang melalui penjualan kosmetik di internet.

Selama akhir pekan, Pengadilan Distrik Pusat Seoul memutuskan mendukung 2AM dalam gugatan dan mereka di tuntut di bayar  dengan ₩ 110.000.000 (sekitar $ 102.000 USD) dari 'i.myss'.

On January 2011, Big Hit Entertainment signed a contract with cosmetics company 'i.myss' (It Makes Your Skin Sing), allowing the latter to use 2AM's name and image to promote its business. 

However, despite demands 'i.myss' kept failing to pay for the usage of 2AM as models for their products, so Big Hit Entertainment finally sued the company in May for the modeling fees. They complained that 'i.myss' didn't pony up the money even though the company was still making money through cosmetic sales on the internet.

Over the weekend, the Seoul Central District Court ruled in favor of 2AM in the lawsuit and they were rewarded with 110,000,000 won (approximately $102,000 USD) from 'i.myss'.

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