Aktor Cha Tae-Hyun akan membintangi film baru  SLOW VIDEO,dimana dia telah  bekerja sama dengan sutradara Kim Young-Tak untuk ketiga kalinya.
Kolaborasi pertama mereka terjadi di film 2008 "Ba: Bo" dengan Kim Young-Tak bekerja sebagai penulis skenario untuk film itu dan kemudian duo ini bekerja sama sekali lagi pada tahun 2010 box-office hit "Hello Ghost" dengan Kim Young-Tak bekerja sebagai penulis skenario dan sutradara film itu.
SLOW VIDEO juga film Korea Selatan kedua yang  menerima investasi dari "Fox International Productions," anak perusahaan dari 20th Century Fox. 2013 .Film "Running Man" adalah film pertama yang menerima dana dari perusahaan itu. Casting untuk peran utama wanita  belum ditentukan, namun aktris Nam Sang Mi saat ini sedang mempertimbangkan  peran.  

Storyline untuk SLOW VIDEO belum terungkap.

Actor Cha Tae-Hyun is cast in new movie SLOW VIDEO, which has him teaming up with director Kim Young-Tak for the third time.

Their first collaboration took place in 2008 film "Ba:Bo" with Kim Young-Tak working as the screenwriter for that film and then the duo teamed up once again in 2010 box-office hit "Hello Ghost" with Kim Young-Tak working as the screenwriter and director of that film.

SLOW VIDEO is also the second South Korean film to receive investment from "Fox International Productions," a subsidiary of 20th Century Fox. 2013 movie "Running Man" was the first film to receive funding from that company. Casting for the lead female role is yet to be determined, but actress Nam Sang-Mi is currently "high considering" the role. Storyline for SLOW VIDEO has yet to be revealed.


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