Aktor Lee Tae Sung sepertinya dia akan tetap cukup sibuk bulan depan karena telah di beritakan bahwa ia akan mendaftar militer, serta mengadakan upacara pernikahan!

Menurut sebuah sumber , Lee Tae Sung berencana Wamil Oktober ini. Setelah final drama  MBC 'Gold, Appear!' pada tanggal 22, dia akan memulai persiapan untuk pendaftaran mendatang.

Salah satu persiapannya dikatakan didedikasikan untuk menggelar upacara pernikahan untuk dia dan istrinya sebelum pendaftarannya.Pihaknya masih samar-samar ketika diminta untuk mengkonfirmasi, dengan menjawab, "[Lee Tae Sung] belum menyelesaikan rincian spesifik pernikahannya ."

Lee Tae Sung mengejutkan banyak penggemar tahun lalu ketika terungkap bahwa ia terdaftar  sudah menikah dengan istrinya yang 7 tahun lebih tua darinya dan memiliki anak bersama-sama. Pasangan itu berencana menggelar pesta pernikahan mereka awal tahun ini, namun rencana tersebut tertunda karena dia bermain di drama
'Gold, Appear!'.

#Huaaa oppa kau membuatku patah hati hiks T_T 

Actor Lee Tae Sung, whom many of our readers will recognize from 'Rooftop Prince', seems like he'll be keeping quite busy next month as it's been reported that he'll be enlisting, as well as holding a wedding ceremony!

According to a broadcast insider, Lee Tae Sung was issued his draft notice to serve as an active-duty soldier and plans to enlist this October. Following the finale of his current MBC weekend drama 'Gold, Appear!' on the 22nd, the actor will begin preparations for his upcoming enlistment.

One of his preparations is said to be dedicated to holding a wedding ceremony for him and his wife prior to his enlistment. His agency rep remained vague when asked to confirm, by responding, "[Lee Tae Sung] has not sorted out the specific details of his wedding yet."

Lee Tae Sung shocked many last year when it was revealed that he wasn't actually single for he had already registered for marriage with his wife who is 7 years his senior and have a son together. The couple planned to hold their wedding ceremony earlier this year, but plans were delayed due to the actor's casting in 'Gold, Appear!'.


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