
Gambar dari Sung Hoon, Choi Yoon Young, dan Seohyun Girls 'Generation dari pembacaan naskah pertama drama SBS mendatang "Passionate Love" dirilis.

"Passionate Love" akan menjadi melodrama yang menggantikan drama “Wonderful Mama". SBS telah ambisius mempersiapkan untuk drama yang akan datang dan membawa para pemain bersama-sama untuk pembacaan naskah pertama.  

Pemain utama Sung Hoon dan Choi Yoon Young hadir bersama dengan Yoon Mi Ra, Jeon Mi Sun, dan Woo Hye Jin. Seohyun, Lee Won Geun, Lee Hye In, dan Yeo Yi Joo akan memiliki peran khusus sebagai versi muda dari protagonis dan juga hadir di pembacaan naskah. Pembacaan naskah berlangsung selama empat jam dan dilaporkan bahwa semua aktor dan staf  terpikat oleh skrip sepanjang waktu.

Gambar-gambar menunjukkan aktor membaca script. Beberapa, seperti Sung Hoon dan Jeon Mi Sun, ditangkap membaca script serius sementara yang lain, seperti Lee Won Geun dan Seohyun, memiliki senyum cerah.

"Passionate Love" akan menayangkan episode pertama pada tanggal 28 September 2013.

#I Can't Waiiitttt

Pictures of Sung Hoon, Choi Yoon Young, and Girls’ Generation‘s Seohyun from the first script reading of the upcoming SBS drama “Passionate Love” were released.

“Passionate Love” will be a melodrama about and take “Wonderful Mama‘s” time slot. SBS had been ambitiously preparing for this upcoming drama and brought the actors together for the first script reading. Leads Sung Hoon and Choi Yoon Young were present along with Yoon Mi Ra, Jeon Mi Sun, and Woo Hye Jin. Seohyun, Lee Won Geun, Lee Hye In, and Yeo Yi Joo will have a special role as the younger versions of the protagonists and were also present at the script reading. The script reading went on for four hours and it was reported that all the actors and the staff were captivated by the script the entire time.

The pictures show the actors reading the script. Some, like Sung Hoon and Jeon Mi Sun, were captured reading over the script seriously while others, like Lee Won Geun and Seohyun, have bright smiles.

“Passionate Love” will air its first episode on September 28.

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