Super Junior M dan Victoria  f(x) terpilih jadi Model baru untuk merk  Kosmetik  'TONYMOLY'.

Dengan pengalaman mereka mempromosikan popularitas luar negeri dan tinggi di Cina, Pasangan 1 label ini diharapkan membawa efek sinergi untuk pertumbuhan global merek. 

Perwakilan berkomentar, "Kami yakin bahwa Super Junior M dan Victoria akan meningkatkan pertumbuhan merek kami di luar negeri di Cina dan lebih sebagai model global."

Super Junior M dan Victoria baru saja selesai syuting untuk CF mendatang mereka yang akan tayang akhir bulan ini!

Super Junior M and f(x)'s Victoria have been chosen as the new 'global models' for beauty brand 'TONYMOLY'!

With their experience promoting overseas and high popularity in China, the label mates are expected to bring a synergy effect for the global growth of the brand. A representative commented, "We are positive that Super Junior M and Victoria will enhance the growth of our brand overseas in China and more as global models."

Super Junior M and Victoria recently finished filming for their upcoming CF which will air later this month!

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