Jackie Chan tampaknya sangat dekat dengan banyak selebriti di industri hiburan Korea. Dia telah mengambil banyak foto  dengan bintang K-pop top, seperti Brown Eyed Girls dan G-Dragon. Baru-baru ini ditambahkan ke daftar adalah Jessica Girls 'Generation  pada  Awards Hauding 2013.

Gambar di atas yang diupload ke Twitter resmi SM Town. Di foto  Jessica terlihat cantik seperti biasa, mengenakan gaun putih sederhana dibuat lebih unik dengan rok luar berjaring. Untuk kontras  Jackie Chan mengenakan pakaian hitam penuh.

Foto juga  diposting di akun weibo pribadi Jessica di bawah ini

#Btw foto yang di akun Weibo Jessica agak gimana gitu ya, keliatannya Jessica nggak pake BRA, atw nipplenya terlalu besar soalnya keliatan banget hehehe.

Jackie Chan definitely seems to be very close with numerous celebrities in the Korean entertainment industry. He has been taking a lot of pictures with top K-pop stars, such as Brown Eyed Girls and G-Dragon.  Recently added to the list is Girls' Generation's Jessica with whom he took a picture at the 2013 Hauding Awards.

The above picture was uploaded onto the official SM Town Twitter.  In it, Jessica looks beautiful as usual, wearing a simple white dress made more unique by a mesh outer skirt.  To contrast her pleasantly, Jackie Chan is wearing a full black outfit.

You can also check out the photo posted on Jessica's personal weibo account below. 


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