Aktor Joo Won , yang baru-baru ini menyelesaikan drama medisnya  'Good Doctor ' sebelumnya mengungkapkan bahwa ia akan meninggalkan '1 Night 2 Days '. Pada tanggal 11 Oktober 2013 , ia terlihat di Pulau Jeju syuting untuk episode terakhirnya .

Seorang wakil dari Joo Won berkata , " Joo Won pergi ke Pulau Jeju dan berpartisipasi dalam syuting terakhirnya tanpa masalah . "

Produser Lee Sae Hee dari '1 Night 2 Days ' berkata, " Saat ini , ia berada di tengah-tengah syuting dengan anggota lain . "

Menurut perwakilan tersebut, anggota saat ini bertemu dengan  penduduk Pulau Jeju saat mengunjungi tempat-tempat , seperti Ole Market di Seogwipo .

Gambar buktig diupload ke internet. Joo Won bisa dilihat dengan sesama anggota cast nya  , menjulang di atas mereka karena tinggi badannya lebih besar . Dia tampaknya akan bersenang-senang saat ia tersenyum cerah dan melihat sekeliling dengan rasa ingin tahu.

Sebagai kesimpulan , Joo Won akan resmi meninggalkan acara setelah syuting episode terakhirnya pada tanggal 11 dan 12 Oktober . Dia berencana untuk mempersiapkan drama musikalnya ' Ghost ' pada bulan November dan akan mulai kegiatan di luar negeri di Jepang tahun depan .

#Huaaa Uriii oppaaaaa

Actor Joo Won, who recently wrapped up his medical drama 'Good Doctor,' previously revealed that he would be leaving '1 Night 2 Days.'  On October 11, he was seen at Jeju Island filming for his last episode on the variety program.

A representative of Joo Won said, "Joo Won left for Jeju Island and is participating in his final filming without any problems."

Producer Lee Sae Hee of '1 Night 2 Days' said, "Currently, he is in the middle of filming with the other members."

According to these reps, the current members are meeting the inhabitants of Jeju Island while visiting places, such as Ole Market at Seogwipo.

Pictures of proof were uploaded onto the internet.  Joo Won could be seen with his fellow cast members--rather, towering over them due to his greater height.  He appears to be having fun as he smiles brightly and looks around curiously.

In conclusion, Joo Won will be officially leaving the show after filming his last episode on the 11th and 12th.  He plans to prepare for his musical 'Ghost' in November and will start overseas activities in Japan next year.


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