Adegan ciuman pertama Seungri untuk drama mobile  Jepang ,'Yubikoi Kimi Mi Okuru Message'' telah membuat penggemar memekik gembira serta cemburu pada  aktris Miori Takimoto !
Dalam drama mobile Jepang yang didistribusikan oleh UULA , Seungri memainkan peran Han Seung Ho yang  tinggal di rumah  Mi Woo ( Miori Takimoto )  sebagai rumah tinggal mahasiswa dari Korea .Mi Woo membantu
Seung Ho yang masih berjuang dengan menulis Jepang , untuk berkomunikasi dengan cinta pertamanya dengan menulis pesan teks baginya , tetapi mereka mulai jatuh satu sama lain sebagai gantinya.

Seorang perwakilan berkomentar , " Seungri berakting baik walau agak  gugup dan keyakinan bersama aktris di depan anggota 40 staf yang sedang menonton ... Seungri menunjukkan sisi yang sama sekali berbeda dari image  yang aktif di variety show karena ia menunjukkan akting serius. Kami mengantisipasi akting menawan Seungri sebagai seorang aktor . "
Seungri juga mengatakan , " Karena ini adalah adegan ciuman pertama saya, saya benar-benar gugup . Tapi Takimoto sangat keren . Ini adalah adegan yang sangat penting dalam drama , saya bertanya-tanya apakah aku harus mencium selama uji kamera juga, tetapi saya terkejut , saya mendapat OK cepat sehingga terlalu buruk , " ujarnya sambil tertawa .  

Dia menambahkan , " Aku menggosok gigi tiga kali sebelum syuting . Jantungku berdebar-debar saat [ syuting ] . "
,'Yubikoi Kimi Mi Okuru Message''   akan premiere pada tanggal 4 Desember !

 #Huaaa jealous jealous jealoussssss

A still cut of Seungri's first kiss scene for Japanese mobile drama, 'Yubikoi Kimi Mi Okuru Message' has left fans squealing in delight as well as out of jealousy of actress Miori Takimoto!

In the Japanese mobile drama distributed by UULA, Seungri plays the role of Han Seung Ho who enters college student Mi Woo (Miori Takimoto)'s house as a home stay student from Korea. Mi Woo helps out Seung Ho, who is still struggling with writing Japanese, to converse with his first love by writing his text message for him, but they start to fall for one another instead.

A rep commented, "Seungri acted both with nervousness and confidence alongside the actress in front of the 40 staff members who were watching... Seungri showed a totally different side from his active image on variety shows as he showed his serious acting. We anticipate Seungri's charming acting as an actor."

Seungri also said, "Since this is my first kiss scene, I was really nervous. But Takimoto was so cool. It is a very important scene in the drama, I wondered if I had to kiss during the camera test as well, but to my surprise, I got an OK quickly so that was too bad," as he laughed. He added, "I brushed my teeth three times prior to filming. My heart was racing throughout [the filming]."

'Yubikoi Kimi Mi Okuru Message' will premiere on December 4!

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