Telah terungkap bahwa informasi pribadi SECRET Hyosung dari catatan sekolahnya sebagai mahasiswa jurusan teater dan film di Universitas Inha bocor secara online .
Catatan lama sekolah Hyosung yang berisi informasi pribadinya terungkap melalui sebuah situs komunitas online . Catatan menunjukkan kelasnya , nomor telepon , alamat email , dan lain-lain yang di ambil tahun 2008.
TS Entertainment menanggapi pada tanggal 12 November 2013, " Kami menyadari kebocoran informasi pribadi Hyosung . Kami sedang mencari sumber kebocoran dan bertanya dengan sekolah ... Jika masalah terjadi , kita pasti akan mengambil tindakan hukum . Setelah [ penyelidikan ] , kami akan mengungkapkan rincian spesifik dari tindakan hukum yang berencana kami ambil . "

It has been revealed that SECRET's Hyosung's personal information from her school records as a student majoring in theater and film at Inha University was leaked online.
Hyosung's old school record which contains her personal information was revealed through an online community site. The records show her class, phone number, email address, and more, which has been dated back to 2008.
TS Entertainment responded on the 12th, "We are aware of the leakage of Hyosung's personal information. We are currently looking into the source of the leakage and inquiring with the school... If an issue occurs, we will definitely take legal action. After [the investigation], we will reveal the specific details of the legal action we plan to take."
Hyosung's old school record which contains her personal information was revealed through an online community site. The records show her class, phone number, email address, and more, which has been dated back to 2008.
TS Entertainment responded on the 12th, "We are aware of the leakage of Hyosung's personal information. We are currently looking into the source of the leakage and inquiring with the school... If an issue occurs, we will definitely take legal action. After [the investigation], we will reveal the specific details of the legal action we plan to take."
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