Anda adalah seorang pemeran utama pria dalam Kdrama , Anda pasti
akan dikelilingi oleh banyak aktris cantik, pewaris, gadis desa lugu ,
wanita yang lebih tua dan kaya dan lain-lain .Aktor Populer Joo Won mengungkapkan bahwa hubungan antara aktor terkemuka tidak selalu platonis !
Pewawancara bertanya pada Joo Won tentang perasaannya terhadap pasangan mainnya yang cantik pada episode terbaru MBC ' Section TV ' .
Pewawancara bertanya pada Joo Won tentang perasaannya terhadap pasangan mainnya yang cantik pada episode terbaru MBC ' Section TV ' .
Jika Anda bekerja pada sebuah proyek dengan aktris cantik seperti Moon
Chae Won atau UEE , Apakah Anda pernah mendapatkan perasaan apa pun
terhadap mereka? " tanyanya .
" Ada perasaan yang baik yang berlangsung sekitar selama proyek , " Joo Won mengaku
" Ada perasaan yang baik yang berlangsung sekitar selama proyek , " Joo Won mengaku
. " Jika saya mengatakan tidak ada perasaan apapun, maka itu akan menjadi sebuah kebohongan . "
#Omona kulkas mana kulkas #berasap >.<
If you were a male lead in a K-drama, you would definitely be surrounded by many beautiful actresses -- heiresses, innocent country girls, rich older women, the list goes on. Popular actor Joo Won revealed that the relationship between the leading actors isn't always platonic!
The interviewer asked Joo Won about his feelings towards his beautiful co-stars on the latest episode of MBC's 'Section TV'. "If you work on a project with pretty actresses like Moon Chae Won or UEE, don't you ever get any feelings toward them?" he asked.
"There is a good feeling that goes around during a project," Joo Won confessed. "If I say there aren't any feelings, then that would be a lie."
The interviewer asked Joo Won about his feelings towards his beautiful co-stars on the latest episode of MBC's 'Section TV'. "If you work on a project with pretty actresses like Moon Chae Won or UEE, don't you ever get any feelings toward them?" he asked.
"There is a good feeling that goes around during a project," Joo Won confessed. "If I say there aren't any feelings, then that would be a lie."
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