Jimmy Lin holds wedding in Phuket

Jimmy Lin dan Kelly Chen mengadakann pernikahan romantis mereka di pantai indah Phuket . Pasangan ini membuat pawai spektakuler di saat mereka mengendarai kuda yang berlari ke upacara pernikahan mereka .

Kelly mencuri pusat perhatian dalam tiga gaun yang indah. Gaun pengantin pertamanya adalah gaun yang terinspirasi dari gaun Yunani romantis; gaun kedua adalah  gaun klasik panjang berenda dengan selendang sepanjang 3 meter , gaun ketiga adalah gaun pendek seksi merah muda yang memungkinkan dia untuk memamerkan kaki indahnya .

Selain pasangan , anak Jimmy yakni Kimi juga ikut di sorot , bermain peran anak  pada hari besar orangtuanya . Ketika pendeta memulai upacara pernikahan, Kimi nakal mulai bermain dengan selendang  ibunya . Setelah itu , dia bahkan menari kuda ala PSY  dengan para tamu .

Setelah pernikahan berakhir , Jimmy memimpin tamu termasuk ayah mertuanya untuk menyelam ke dalam kolam renang hotel untuk putaran kedua pesta.

Meskipun pasangan memiliki pernikahan dongeng , namun mereka melalui perjalanan tak mudah. Bertahun-tahun , Kelly harus menghadapi permusuhan dari beberapa penggemar Jimmy . Beberapa penggemar telah membuat komentar tentang penampilannya dan bahkan membandingkannya dengan mantan pacar Jimmy , Ruby Lin .

Jimmy marah dengan pernyataan keras pada istrinya . Dia berkata , " Bahkan jika Lin Chi - ling adalah istri saya , dia juga akan dimarahi . Saya hanya melakukan apa yang seharusnya saya lakukan dalam hidup . "

" Hal ini sulit . Kita tidak bisa berpegangan tangan selama kencan dan tidak kita bisa berjalan di jalan-jalan atau menonton film secara terbuka . Dia juga harus membeli tiket film pertama . "

Jimmy juga memiliki rasa bersalah karena istrinya . " Dia akan menangis setiap kali ia diserang oleh pernyataan tersebut. Namun , dia berpikir bahwa sebagian besar penggemar telah melihat upayanya dan telah mulai menerimanya . "

#Selamat ^^ 

Jimmy Lin & Kelly ChenJimmy Lin & Kelly Chen

Jimmy Lin & Kelly ChenJimmy Lin & Kelly ChenJimmy Lin & Kelly Chen

Jimmy Lin & Kelly Chen 
 Jimmy Lin & Kelly Chen
Jimmy Lin and Kelly Chen held their romantic wedding at the beautiful beach of Phuket two days ago. The couple made a spectacular march in when they rode on a galloping horse into their wedding ceremony.

Kelly stole the limelight in her three lovely gowns. Her first wedding gown was a romantic greek inspired dress; second gown was a classic lacy long dress with a 3-metre long flowy veil; third gown was a sexy pink short dress which allowed her to flaunt her beautiful legs.

Besides the couple, Jimmy’s son Kimi was also the highlight, playing the role of the page boy on his parents’ big day. When the pastor was officiating the wedding, the mischievous Kimi started to play with his mother’s veil. After that, he even danced PSY’s horse riding dance with the guests.

After the wedding ended, Jimmy led the guests including his father-in-law to dive into the hotel’s pool for a second round of party.

Although the couple had a fairytale wedding, things were definitely not easy for them. All these years, Kelly had to put up with the hostility from some of Jimmy’s fans. Some fans had made remarks on her looks and even compared her with Jimmy’s ex-girlfriend, Ruby Lin.

Jimmy was upset with the harsh remarks on his wife. He said, “Even if Lin Chi-ling is my wife, she will also be scolded. I am only doing what I am supposed to do in life.”

“It is tough being my other half. We can’t hold hands during dates and neither can we walk on streets nor watch a movie openly. She will also have to buy the movie tickets first.”

Jimmy also has a guilt for his wife. “She will cry whenever she was attacked by those remarks. However, she thinks that most of the fans have seen the efforts she put in and have began to accept her.”

 Source.xinmsn Entertainment

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