Foto dari masa lalu  Kim Woo bin yang innocent kembali beredar

Gambar-gambarnya  dari 2011 ~ 2012 MBN sitkom " Vampire Idol " dan drama SBS " To The Beautiful You" . Gambar-gambar dari dia dari saat ini " The Heirs " dan sejak saat itu sama sekali berbeda .

Kim Woo Bin mengambil peran  sebagai  vampir sangat kikuk di " Vampire Idol " dan membuat kesan dengan garis dan ekspresi wajah .

Ia juga tampil lucu dengan Lee Yoo bi dan disebut ' Woo - Yoo Couple ' .

Dalam " To The Beautiful You " , Kim Woo Bin muncul sebagai John Kim , karakternya peduli dan murah hati yang meninggalkan kesan kuat meskipun adegan pendek .

Sementara itu, Kim Woo Bin membintangi drama " The Heirs " saat ini dan menunjukkan performa yang hebat antara kejahatan dan kasih sayang .

Tidak hanya itu, ia bermain di film " Friend  2 " di mana ia mengambil peran putra Jang Dong -gun  Seong - hoon dan berakting karismatik . 

 Dia adalah rising star baru .

Pictures of Kim Woo-bin's innocent past have been going around.

The pictures are of him from the 2011~2012 MBN sitcom "Vampire Idol" and SBS drama "To The Beautiful You". The images of him from the current "The Heirs" and from then are completely different.

Kim Woo-bin took on the role of a very clumsy vampire in "Vampire Idol" and made an impression with his lines and facial expressions.

He also coupled up with the cute Lee Yoo-bi and was called the 'Woo-Yoo Couple'.

In "To The Beautiful You", Kim Woo-bin appeared as John Kim, a caring and generous character who left a strong impression despite his short scene.

Meanwhile, Kim Woo-bin is starring in the drama "The Heirs" at the moment and is showing a great performance between evil and affection.

Not only that, he filmed the movie "Friends 2" in which he takes on the role of Jang Dong-gun's son Seong-hoon and puts on a charismatic act.

 He is the new rising star. 


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