Tampaknya Konser SNSD di Hongkong penuh dengan insiden tak menyenangkan.Setelah Jessica yang di dorong petugas keamanan hingga memar giliran YoonA & Taeyeon yang diberitakan Mabuk-Mabukan di Sebuah Klub.
Outlet media Apple Daily melaporkan bahwa anggota Girls 'Generation Yoona dan Taeyeon berpesta larut malam di sebuah night klub populer Lan Kwai Fong di distrik pusat Hong Kong . Apple Daily melaporkan bahwa Taeyeon terhuyung-huyung ke gang belakang yang penuh sampah , mungkin mabuk .
Outlet media itu menyatakan Taeyeon jatuh ke bawah dan jatuh kembali karena tersandung kakinya beserta foto dan video sebagai bukti.
Girls 'Generation saat ini di Hong Kong untuk 'Girls' Generation World Tour Girls & Peace'.
Namun, tampaknya laporan ini mungkin tidak benar dan mereka bukan Taeyeon dan Yoona , gadis-gadis tersebut dikatakan adalah teman-teman dari "Mr K " .
Mr K adalah Tyler Kwon , yang pernah menjadi pemberitaan pada bulan Mei sebagai seorang teman baik dari Hyoyeon Girls 'Generation . Dia memposting ke Weibo sendiri untuk membersihkan masalah dan menulis ,
" Happy Bday my favorite baby cousin! Apakah Anda bersenang-senang di HK ( meskipun itu satu malam ) , ternyata kau terkenal di sini sekarang . Orang-orang berpikir kau Taeyeon dan teman Anda adalah Yoona ~ ! Lol [哈哈] .Anyway, berharap Anda memiliki penerbangan yang aman kembali , say hi ke semua orang kembali ke rumah untuk saya ! "
Dia juga memasang foto berikut seorang gadis yang mungkin keliru dikira Taeyeon .
#Aigooo pencemaran nama baik nech :(

Hong Kong media outlet Apple Daily has reported that Girls' Generation members YoonA and Taeyeon partied late into the night at a night show club in the popular Lan Kwai Fong district of central Hong Kong. Apple Daily reports that Taeyeon staggered into a back alley full of garbage, presumably drunk.
The media outlet spotted Taeyeon falling down and stumbling to get back on her feet, providing photos and video as proof.
The girls are currently in Hong Kong for their 'Girls' Generation World Tour Girls & Peace'.
However, it appears this report may not be true and instead of Taeyeon and YoonA, the girls in question are said to be friends of "Mr. K".
Mr. K is Tyler Kwon, who was in the news back in May as being a good friend of Girls' Generation's Hyoyeon. He took to his own Weibo to clear up the issue and wrote,
"Happy Bday my favorite baby cousin! Was fun having you in HK (despite that one night), turns out you're famous here now. People think you're Taeyeon and your friend is Yoona~! Lol [哈哈] Anyway, hope you had a safe flight back, say hi to everyone back home for me!"
He also attached the following photo of a girl who was most likely mistaken for being Taeyeon.
Outlet media itu menyatakan Taeyeon jatuh ke bawah dan jatuh kembali karena tersandung kakinya beserta foto dan video sebagai bukti.
Girls 'Generation saat ini di Hong Kong untuk 'Girls' Generation World Tour Girls & Peace'.
Namun, tampaknya laporan ini mungkin tidak benar dan mereka bukan Taeyeon dan Yoona , gadis-gadis tersebut dikatakan adalah teman-teman dari "Mr K " .
Mr K adalah Tyler Kwon , yang pernah menjadi pemberitaan pada bulan Mei sebagai seorang teman baik dari Hyoyeon Girls 'Generation . Dia memposting ke Weibo sendiri untuk membersihkan masalah dan menulis ,
" Happy Bday my favorite baby cousin! Apakah Anda bersenang-senang di HK ( meskipun itu satu malam ) , ternyata kau terkenal di sini sekarang . Orang-orang berpikir kau Taeyeon dan teman Anda adalah Yoona ~ ! Lol [哈哈] .Anyway, berharap Anda memiliki penerbangan yang aman kembali , say hi ke semua orang kembali ke rumah untuk saya ! "
Dia juga memasang foto berikut seorang gadis yang mungkin keliru dikira Taeyeon .
#Aigooo pencemaran nama baik nech :(

Hong Kong media outlet Apple Daily has reported that Girls' Generation members YoonA and Taeyeon partied late into the night at a night show club in the popular Lan Kwai Fong district of central Hong Kong. Apple Daily reports that Taeyeon staggered into a back alley full of garbage, presumably drunk.
The media outlet spotted Taeyeon falling down and stumbling to get back on her feet, providing photos and video as proof.
The girls are currently in Hong Kong for their 'Girls' Generation World Tour Girls & Peace'.
However, it appears this report may not be true and instead of Taeyeon and YoonA, the girls in question are said to be friends of "Mr. K".
Mr. K is Tyler Kwon, who was in the news back in May as being a good friend of Girls' Generation's Hyoyeon. He took to his own Weibo to clear up the issue and wrote,
"Happy Bday my favorite baby cousin! Was fun having you in HK (despite that one night), turns out you're famous here now. People think you're Taeyeon and your friend is Yoona~! Lol [哈哈] Anyway, hope you had a safe flight back, say hi to everyone back home for me!"
He also attached the following photo of a girl who was most likely mistaken for being Taeyeon.
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