Perwakilan Minzy 2NE1 membantah rumor dirinya baru-baru ini menjalani operasi plastik setelah netizens melihat perubahan dirinya dalam penampilan.
2NE1 muncul di siaran 10 November KBS 1TV 'Open Concert's 1000th episode special' dan netizens yang cepat melihat perubahan Minzy dalam penampilan, menyebabkan rumor operasi plastik.
Perwakilan Minzy membantah rumor tersebut dan mereka menyatakan, "[Minzy] menjadi lebih cantik saat ia mencapai usia 20 tahun , tahun ini dan dia tidak menjalani operasi plastik ... Dia hanya mendapat lebih cantik tapi tidak lebih."
2NE1 muncul di siaran 10 November KBS 1TV 'Open Concert's 1000th episode special' dan netizens yang cepat melihat perubahan Minzy dalam penampilan, menyebabkan rumor operasi plastik.
Perwakilan Minzy membantah rumor tersebut dan mereka menyatakan, "[Minzy] menjadi lebih cantik saat ia mencapai usia 20 tahun , tahun ini dan dia tidak menjalani operasi plastik ... Dia hanya mendapat lebih cantik tapi tidak lebih."
#Iya katanya cewek tu paling bersinar saat berumur 20 taon :D
2NE1's Minzy's reps denied rumors of her recently undergoing plastic surgery after netizens noticed her change in appearance.
2NE1 appeared on the November 10th broadcast of KBS 1TV's 'Open Concert's 1000th episode special and netizens were quick to notice Minzy's supposed change in appearance, leading to plastic surgery rumors.
Minzy's reps denied such rumors as they stated, "[Minzy] became prettier as she turned 20 years old this year and she did not undergo plastic surgery... She only got prettier but nothing more."
2NE1 appeared on the November 10th broadcast of KBS 1TV's 'Open Concert's 1000th episode special and netizens were quick to notice Minzy's supposed change in appearance, leading to plastic surgery rumors.
Minzy's reps denied such rumors as they stated, "[Minzy] became prettier as she turned 20 years old this year and she did not undergo plastic surgery... She only got prettier but nothing more."
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