C -Jes Entertainment mengungkapkan bahwa salah satu netizens bertanggung jawab atas penyebaran rumor berbahaya terhadap JYJ telah datang untuk meminta maaf .

C -Jes Entertainment menyatakan , " Para netizen yang bertanggung jawab untuk menyebarkan gosip jahat dan tuduhan palsu spade
 JYJ  datang ke markas agency hari ini dan meminta maaf . Meskipun orang tuanya meminta kesepakatan yang menguntungkan mengingat ia masih kecil , kami tidak menerimanya . "

" Klaim asli untuk kerusakan serta gugatan perdata akan terus
di lanjutkan dan kita tidak akan lunak terhadap pelaku netizen di masa depan juga. "

" Kami menerima kerjasama intelijen tim investigasi cyber dan secara menyeluruh melaksanakan investigasi rumor berbahaya , tuduhan palsu , fitnah , kutukan , dan posting penghinaan
yang diarahkan pada JYJ . "

" Mulai sekarang , kita akan melihat jenis kasus
secara  real-time dan sangat memperingatkan terhadap penyebaran fitnah berbahaya dan rumor eksplisit. "

#Maju terus JYJ ^_^d

C-JeS Entertainment revealed that one of the netizens responsible for the spread of malicious rumors against JYJ has come forward to apologize.

C-JeS Entertainment stated, "The netizen who is responsible for spreading the malicious rumors and false accusations surrounding JYJ in 'DC Inside's gallery came to the agency headquarters today and apologized. Although his parents asked for a favorable deal considering that he is a minor, we didn't accept it."

"The original claim for damages as well as the civil suit will continue to go on and we will not be lenient towards netizen perpetrators in the future as well."

"We received the cooperation of the cyber intelligence investigation team and are thoroughly carrying out the investigation of the malicious rumors, false accusations, slander, curses, and posts of contempt directed towards JYJ."

"From now on, we will notice these types of cases real-time and severely warn against the spreading of malicious slander and explicit rumors."


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