Dengan badai yang diikuti setelah rangkaian foto-foto telanjang yang di duga bintang Kpop Ailee, agencynya YMC Entertainment telah membuat pernyataan singkat dengan hati-hati.
Semua yang mereka katakan sejauh ini, "Kami saat ini sedang memeriksa untuk melihat apakah itu dia".
Sebelumnya, situs anonim dan forum telah mengupload beberapa foto telanjang yang berpotensi menggambarkan bintang K-Pop . Sementara foto yang nampak buram, ada korelasi yang nyata antara Ailee dan gadis dalam foto.
With the storm that followed after the revelation of the compromising photos, YMC Entertainment has made a careful, short statement.
All they have said so far is, "We're currently checking to see if it's her".
Previously, an anonymous website and forums had uploaded several photos potentially depicting K-Pop star Ailee in very revealing attire. While the photos are blurry, there is a definite correlation between the celebrity and the girl in the photos. You can check out our previous report here.
All they have said so far is, "We're currently checking to see if it's her".
Previously, an anonymous website and forums had uploaded several photos potentially depicting K-Pop star Ailee in very revealing attire. While the photos are blurry, there is a definite correlation between the celebrity and the girl in the photos. You can check out our previous report here.
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