![[Update] [Breaking] Nude Photos Tweeted by Super Junior’s Eunhyuk Account, Hacked? [Update] [Breaking] Nude Photos Tweeted by Super Junior’s Eunhyuk Account, Hacked?](http://www.soompi.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Eunhyuk-800x450.jpg)
Akun Twitter Eunhyuk Super Junior mengupload posting seorang perempuan yang di sebut-sebut sebagai kontestan ' Superstar K 4 ' dengan nama dan menyebutkan kemungkinan hubungan seksual . Akun tersebut juga meng-upload beberapa foto telanjang .
Namun , SM Entertainment berbicara tentang situasi ini , menjelaskan , " Twitter Eunhyuk telah di-hack . Kami telah melaporkan hal itu dan secara aktif mengambil langkah-langkah . "
Eunhyuk juga menghapus tulisan yang dibuat oleh hacker dan tweeted , " Harus ada banyak orang yang ingin menuntut Pengikut Twitter . , Anda terkejut , kan? Maaf . "
Ia meminta maaf kepada para penggemarnya yang mengunjungi Twitter-nya , tapi bingung dengan pesan yang ditinggalkan oleh hacker dan juga mengatakan dia tidak ingin menyingkirkan akunnya .
Netizens menyatakan simpati mereka terhadap Eunhyuk dan meluapkan kemarahan pada sang hacker .

Super Junior's Eunhyuk Twitter account uploaded a post mentioning a female 'Superstar K 4' participant by name and mentioning possible sexual intercourse. The account also uploaded a couple pictures of her nude.
However, SM Entertainment addressed this situation, explaining, "Eunhyuk's Twitter has been hacked. We have reported it and are actively taking measures."
Eunhyuk also deleted the posts made by his hacker and tweeted, "There must be a lot of people who want to be sued. Twitter Followers, you were taken by surprise, right? Sorry."
He apologized to his fans who visited his Twitter, but were confused by the messages left by the hacker and also said he did not want to get rid of his account.
Netizens expressed their sympathy towards Eunhyuk and anger at the hacker.
However, SM Entertainment addressed this situation, explaining, "Eunhyuk's Twitter has been hacked. We have reported it and are actively taking measures."
Eunhyuk also deleted the posts made by his hacker and tweeted, "There must be a lot of people who want to be sued. Twitter Followers, you were taken by surprise, right? Sorry."
He apologized to his fans who visited his Twitter, but were confused by the messages left by the hacker and also said he did not want to get rid of his account.
Netizens expressed their sympathy towards Eunhyuk and anger at the hacker.
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