Baru-baru ini, YMC Entertainment merilis pernyataan resmi yang menegaskan bahwa wanita dalam foto-foto yang dipermasalahkan itu memang Ailee dan juga memberikan penjelasan.
Berikut pernyataan resmi YMC Entertainment
Hello . Ini adalah YMC Entertainment
Sehubungan dengan gambar-gambar kontroversial Ailee sebelum debutnya , kami akan mengungkapkan informasi yang telah dikonfirmasi . Kami harap Anda akan mengerti bahwa kami butuh waktu lama untuk memeriksa informasi dalam rangka untuk memberitahukan kebenaran yang lebih akurat .
Sementara Ailee adalah penduduk di Amerika , ia menerima tawaran casting menjadi model pakaian terkenal di Amerika .Gambar yang relevan telah dikonfirmasi adalah gambar yang diambil dengan dalih menguji kamera . Di antara gambar-gambar terungkap di situs anonim, porsi itu masih belum jelas selama penyelidikan kami sehingga kami terus menyelidiki mereka.
Sehubungan dengan kebocoran gambar , Ailee telah diberitahu bahwa untuk secara akurat menilai sosok tubuhnya , dia harus berpartisipasi dalam pemotretan telanjang . Karena itu tes untuk menjadi model pakaian terkenal, Ailee percaya informasi pribadinya akan dilindungi dan dipenuhi .
Namun, setelah pemotretan untuk tes selesai , pihak yang pertama kali membuat tawaran menghentikan semua kontak sehingga Ailee membuat keputusan dan melaporkan ke kantor polisi terdekat.
Setelah polisi menyelediki , itu menjadi jelas bahwa pihak yang terlibat telah melakukan penipuan dengan menargetkan siswa perempuan di sebagian universitas . Tampaknya ada beberapa korban selain Ailee , namun karena metode pintar dari sindikat penipuan yang menggunakan internet , polisi tidak dapat dengan mudah menyelidiki dan melakukan penangkapan apapun.
Sehubungan dengan gambar-gambar kontroversial Ailee sebelum debutnya , kami akan mengungkapkan informasi yang telah dikonfirmasi . Kami harap Anda akan mengerti bahwa kami butuh waktu lama untuk memeriksa informasi dalam rangka untuk memberitahukan kebenaran yang lebih akurat .
Sementara Ailee adalah penduduk di Amerika , ia menerima tawaran casting menjadi model pakaian terkenal di Amerika .Gambar yang relevan telah dikonfirmasi adalah gambar yang diambil dengan dalih menguji kamera . Di antara gambar-gambar terungkap di situs anonim, porsi itu masih belum jelas selama penyelidikan kami sehingga kami terus menyelidiki mereka.
Sehubungan dengan kebocoran gambar , Ailee telah diberitahu bahwa untuk secara akurat menilai sosok tubuhnya , dia harus berpartisipasi dalam pemotretan telanjang . Karena itu tes untuk menjadi model pakaian terkenal, Ailee percaya informasi pribadinya akan dilindungi dan dipenuhi .
Namun, setelah pemotretan untuk tes selesai , pihak yang pertama kali membuat tawaran menghentikan semua kontak sehingga Ailee membuat keputusan dan melaporkan ke kantor polisi terdekat.
Setelah polisi menyelediki , itu menjadi jelas bahwa pihak yang terlibat telah melakukan penipuan dengan menargetkan siswa perempuan di sebagian universitas . Tampaknya ada beberapa korban selain Ailee , namun karena metode pintar dari sindikat penipuan yang menggunakan internet , polisi tidak dapat dengan mudah menyelidiki dan melakukan penangkapan apapun.
Setelah melaporkan ke polisi , Ailee , yang merasa sangat khawatir dan gelisah , mengunjungi mantan pacarnya yang bekerja di AllKpop , dan menceritakan segalanya dan berkonsultasi dengannya tentang apa yang terjadi . Sementara berkonsultasi dengan mantan pacarnya , yang seharusnya sepenuhnya memahami dan menangani informasi tentang foto-foto ini , Ailee dibujuk olehnya untuk mengirim gambar-gambar dari pemotretan .
Informasi di atas adalah semua informasi yang benar dalam kaitannya dengan kebocoran gambar .
Kami akan mengambil tindakan hukum yang kuat dalam kaitannya dengan orang yang mengabaikan perlindungan informasi pribadi dan secara ilegal mengedarkan gambar-gambar tersebut .
Selain itu, kami akan melakukan yang terbaik sehingga Ailee akan lagi tersiksa oleh kecurigaan dan gosip
Meskipun itu adalah tindakan yang berasal dari kurangnya pemikiran dan kedewasaan , itu tidak berasal dari niat atau tindakan yang salah dan ini menjadi sumber besar atas rasa sakit untuk Ailee , yang telah menjalani hidup sebagai seorang wanita sebelum ia menjadi seorang penyanyi serta keluarga Ailee .
Gambar-gambar yang relevan telah menjadi memori menyakitkan yang sebagian besar telah menyebabkan traumatis dan sangat menyakitkan bagi Ailee .
Kami takut bahwa Ailee mungkin sekali lagi menerima luka besar dari memori menyakitkan ketika dia sudah lupa masa lalu yang menyakitkan dan telah melihat ke arah mimpi-mimpinya .
Kami berharap untuk penghiburan hangat dan dorongan sehingga Ailee tidak akan mengalami lebih banyak rasa sakit dan dapat melanjutkan kegiatannya dengan giat .
Secara khusus, kantor berita lokal Dispatch merilis rincian percakapan telepon yang menyatakan itu percakapan mereka dengan seseorang yang di duga mantan pacarnya yang diklaim sebagai sumber foto-foto ini.
Dalam percakapan telepon tanggal 19 Juli 2013, "mantan pacar" mendekati Dispatch mengatakan ia memiliki foto bugil Ailee dan bertanya apakah Dispatch tertarik . Ketika Dispatch menjawab bahwa mungkin ada masalah dengan penjualan foto yang seseorang menerima secara pribadi, "mantan pacar" menjawab bahwa jawaban Dispatch adalah berbeda dari media outlet lain yang ia akan menghubunginya lagi. Percakapan berlangsung dengan Dispatch memperingatkan "sang mantan " atas legalitas tindakannya.
Berikut Percakapan Dispatch dengan seseorang yang mengaku sebagai mantan pacar Ailee :
Ex: Saya punya beberapa gambar Ailee. Aku bertanya jika Anda tertarik.
Dispatch: Apa jenis gambar?
Ex: Dia benar-benar telanjang. Tidak mengenakan apa-apa, depan dan belakang ...
Dispatch: Apa sumbernya?
Ex: Saya menerima langsung dari Ailee.
Dispatch: Ailee memberikannya kepada Anda? Kenapa?
Ex: Saya mantan pacarnya.
Dispatch : Apakah Anda menerima foto telanjangnya melalui kurir?
Ex: Ya.
Dispatch: Dan Anda ingin mengungkapkannya?
Ex: Itulah tujuan.
Dispatch: Menjual gambar yang Anda secara pribadi menerima bisa mendapatkan Anda ke dalam kesulitan. Anda tidak harus menawarkan mereka ke media.
Ex: Ah, saya lihat. Kurasa kau berbeda dari media lainnya. Saya akan menghubungi tempat lain.
Dispatch:: Yang penting di sini adalah bahwa apa yang Anda lakukan adalah berbahaya.
Ex: Ini tidak ilegal.
Dispatch:: Ini adalah ilegal. Ini kehidupan pribadinya sehingga dia bisa menuntut Anda. Dan setiap outlet media yang yang membeli foto-foto dari Anda adalah salah. Kami sarankan Anda tidak melakukannya
Ex: Saya mengerti.
Outlet media lain Star Today melaporkan bahwa menurut orang dalam industri musik, yang ingin di rahasiakan namanya ada seseorang yang telah mengancam Ailee dan agennya tentang video, meminta mereka untuk memenuhi permintaannya.
#Wah kayaknya banyak yang bakal terseret atas kasus ini terutama Situs berita Allkpop yang di duga ikut terlibat.
YMC Entertainment's Official Statement:
Hello. This is YMC Entertainment.
In relation to the controversial pictures of Ailee before her debut, we will be revealing the information that has been confirmed. We hope you will understand that it took us a long time to check the information in order to tell you the more accurate truth. 확인 된 내용(content)을 말씀드리고자 합니다. 당사로서는(Party) 보다 정확한 사실을 말씀드리기 위해 확인을 하다보니 많은 시간이 걸린 점에 대해 양해(understanding)부탁드립니다.
While Ailee was a resident in America, she received a casting offer to be a famous underwear model in America. The relevant picture has been confirmed to be a picture taken on the pretext of testing the cameras. Among the pictures revealed on the anonymous website, a portion was still unclear during our investigation so we are continuing to investigate them. 해당 사진은 에일리가 미국 거주(residence) 당시 미국의 유명 속옷 모델 캐스팅 제의(offer)를 받아, 카메라테스트용이라는(camera testing) 명목하에(on the pretext) 촬영된 사진으로 확인되었으며, 익명의(anonymous) 웹사이트를 통해 공개 된 사진중에 일부(portion)는 사실확인이 불분명한(uncertain) 내용들도 있어 계속 확인 중에 있습니다.
In relation to the leaked pictures, Ailee had been told that in order to accurately judge her body figure, she had to participate in a nude shoot. Because it was a test to be a famous underwear model, Ailee believed her personal information would be protected and complied. 본 유출사진과(leaked) 관련하여 에일리는 몸매를 정확히(accurately) 판단하기 위해 누드촬영을 해야한다는 말에, 유명 속옷 모델의 테스트이기에 개인신상정보가(personal information) 보호될(protect) 것으로 믿고 촬영에 응했습니다.
However, after the test shoot finished, the party who had first made the offer stopped all contact so that the concerned Ailee made a decision and reported it to the nearby police station. 그러나 테스트 촬영을 마친 뒤 제의를 해 온 측과 연락이 두절(stopped)되었으며, 걱정이 된 에일리는 고심끝에(concluded) 현지 경찰에 신고를 했습니다.
After the police looked into it, it was becoming clear that the involved party was committing fraud while targeting female students in a portion of the university's town. There appeared to be a couple of victims besides Ailee, but due to the fraudulent party's clever method of using the internet, the police were unable to smoothly investigate and make any arrests. 경찰 확인 결과 일부대학가의(part of university town) 여대생들을 상대로 사기 행각을(commit a fraud) 벌였던 일행의 소행으로(the party's act) 판명되었으며(becoming clear), 당시 에일리 외에 여러명의 피해자가 있었음에도 인터넷을 이용한 사기단의 교묘한(tactful/clever) 수법으로(means) 인해 현지 경찰조사가 원활히(smoothly) 되지 않아 끝내 사기단 검거(arrest)는 이뤄지지 못했다고 합니다.
After reporting to the police, Ailee, who felt deeply worried and uneasy, visited her previous boyfriend who was working at All KPop, and told him everything and consulted him about what happened. While consulting the previous boyfriend, who should have fully grasped and handled the information about these pictures, Ailee was persuaded by him to send him the pictures from the shoot. 경찰 신고 후 걱정과 불안감에 빠져있던 에일리는 현재 ALL KPOP에 재직중인(in-service) 에일리의 전 남자친구에게 본 내용에 대해 털어놓고 상의(consulted)를 했으며, 상의 도중 사진의 내용을 정확히 파악해야하고(grasp/understanding) 대처(handle)해야한다는 전 남자친구의 설득(persuasion)으로 인해 전 남자친구에게 촬영 사진을 보내주게되었다고 합니다.
The above information is all the true information in relation to the leaked pictures. 유출된(leaked) 사진과 관련된 내용은 위의(above) 내용이 전부이며, 사실입니다.
We will be taking strong legal action in relation to the person who disregarded protection of personal information and illegally circulated the pictures in question. 당사는(party) 해당 사진의 유포자에게(circulator) 개인신상(personal)(protection law)보호법(privacy safeguards)에 따른 불법유포와(illegal circulation) 관련하여 강력한 법적 대응을 할 것입니다.
In addition, we will be doing our best so that Ailee will no longer be tormented by suspicion and gossip. 또한 당사도 에일리가 의혹과(doubt/suspicion) 구설수로(gossip/be the talk of) 인해 더이상의 고통을 받지 않을 수 있도록 최대한 노력할 것입니다.
Although it was an act deriving from lack of thought and maturity, it was not derived from wrong intentions or actions and it is becoming a large source of pain for Ailee, who had been living her life as a woman before she became a singer, as well as Ailee's family. 어린시절의 짧은 생각과 철 없던 행동이지만 그릇된(wrong/mistaken) 의도와(intention) 행동으로 일어난 일이 아니었기에, 또한 가수이기 이전에 한 여자로서의 삶을 살아가고 있는 에일리와, 에일리의 가족에게는 감당하지(handle/manage) 못할 큰 아픔입니다.
The relevant pictures had been a painful memory that had been largely traumatic and deeply hurtful for Ailee. 해당 사건은 당시 에일리에게 큰 충격과 깊은 상처를 주었던 아픈 기억이었습니다.
We fear that Ailee may once again receive a large wound from the hurtful memory when she had forgotten the painful past and had been looking towards her dreams. 이제 아픈 기억을 잊고, 꿈을 향해 가고 있는 에일리가 또 다시 과거의 아픈 기억으로 인해 더 큰 상처를 받게 될까 우려됩니다(feared/worried).
We hope for warm consolation and encouragement so that Ailee will not experience more pain and can continue her activities diligently. 에일리가 더 큰 아픔을 겪지 않고 열심히 활동할 수 있도록 따뜻한 위로와(console/comfort) 격려(encouragement) 부탁드립니다.
In particular, local news agency Dispatch released details of a phone conversation that it had with Ailee’s alleged ex-boyfriend who claimed to be the source of these photos. In a phone conversation dated July 19, 2013, the “ex-boyfriend” approached Dispatch saying he had nude photos of Ailee and was wondering if Dispatch was interested in them. When Dispatch responded that there might be issues with the sale of photos a person received personally, the “ex-boyfriend” replied that Dispatch’s answer was different from another media outlet- he would contact that one. The conversation went on with Dispatch warning the “ex” of the legality of his actions.
Another media outlet Star Today reported that according to a music industry insider, who wished to remain anonymous, there was someone who had been threatening Ailee and her agency about a video, asking for them to meet his/her demands.
Source.Allkpop.com . Soompi.com
Berikut Percakapan Dispatch dengan seseorang yang mengaku sebagai mantan pacar Ailee :
Ex: Saya punya beberapa gambar Ailee. Aku bertanya jika Anda tertarik.
Dispatch: Apa jenis gambar?
Ex: Dia benar-benar telanjang. Tidak mengenakan apa-apa, depan dan belakang ...
Dispatch: Apa sumbernya?
Ex: Saya menerima langsung dari Ailee.
Dispatch: Ailee memberikannya kepada Anda? Kenapa?
Ex: Saya mantan pacarnya.
Dispatch : Apakah Anda menerima foto telanjangnya melalui kurir?
Ex: Ya.
Dispatch: Dan Anda ingin mengungkapkannya?
Ex: Itulah tujuan.
Dispatch: Menjual gambar yang Anda secara pribadi menerima bisa mendapatkan Anda ke dalam kesulitan. Anda tidak harus menawarkan mereka ke media.
Ex: Ah, saya lihat. Kurasa kau berbeda dari media lainnya. Saya akan menghubungi tempat lain.
Dispatch:: Yang penting di sini adalah bahwa apa yang Anda lakukan adalah berbahaya.
Ex: Ini tidak ilegal.
Dispatch:: Ini adalah ilegal. Ini kehidupan pribadinya sehingga dia bisa menuntut Anda. Dan setiap outlet media yang yang membeli foto-foto dari Anda adalah salah. Kami sarankan Anda tidak melakukannya
Ex: Saya mengerti.
Outlet media lain Star Today melaporkan bahwa menurut orang dalam industri musik, yang ingin di rahasiakan namanya ada seseorang yang telah mengancam Ailee dan agennya tentang video, meminta mereka untuk memenuhi permintaannya.
#Wah kayaknya banyak yang bakal terseret atas kasus ini terutama Situs berita Allkpop yang di duga ikut terlibat.
YMC Entertainment's Official Statement:
Hello. This is YMC Entertainment.
In relation to the controversial pictures of Ailee before her debut, we will be revealing the information that has been confirmed. We hope you will understand that it took us a long time to check the information in order to tell you the more accurate truth. 확인 된 내용(content)을 말씀드리고자 합니다. 당사로서는(Party) 보다 정확한 사실을 말씀드리기 위해 확인을 하다보니 많은 시간이 걸린 점에 대해 양해(understanding)부탁드립니다.
While Ailee was a resident in America, she received a casting offer to be a famous underwear model in America. The relevant picture has been confirmed to be a picture taken on the pretext of testing the cameras. Among the pictures revealed on the anonymous website, a portion was still unclear during our investigation so we are continuing to investigate them. 해당 사진은 에일리가 미국 거주(residence) 당시 미국의 유명 속옷 모델 캐스팅 제의(offer)를 받아, 카메라테스트용이라는(camera testing) 명목하에(on the pretext) 촬영된 사진으로 확인되었으며, 익명의(anonymous) 웹사이트를 통해 공개 된 사진중에 일부(portion)는 사실확인이 불분명한(uncertain) 내용들도 있어 계속 확인 중에 있습니다.
In relation to the leaked pictures, Ailee had been told that in order to accurately judge her body figure, she had to participate in a nude shoot. Because it was a test to be a famous underwear model, Ailee believed her personal information would be protected and complied. 본 유출사진과(leaked) 관련하여 에일리는 몸매를 정확히(accurately) 판단하기 위해 누드촬영을 해야한다는 말에, 유명 속옷 모델의 테스트이기에 개인신상정보가(personal information) 보호될(protect) 것으로 믿고 촬영에 응했습니다.
However, after the test shoot finished, the party who had first made the offer stopped all contact so that the concerned Ailee made a decision and reported it to the nearby police station. 그러나 테스트 촬영을 마친 뒤 제의를 해 온 측과 연락이 두절(stopped)되었으며, 걱정이 된 에일리는 고심끝에(concluded) 현지 경찰에 신고를 했습니다.
After the police looked into it, it was becoming clear that the involved party was committing fraud while targeting female students in a portion of the university's town. There appeared to be a couple of victims besides Ailee, but due to the fraudulent party's clever method of using the internet, the police were unable to smoothly investigate and make any arrests. 경찰 확인 결과 일부대학가의(part of university town) 여대생들을 상대로 사기 행각을(commit a fraud) 벌였던 일행의 소행으로(the party's act) 판명되었으며(becoming clear), 당시 에일리 외에 여러명의 피해자가 있었음에도 인터넷을 이용한 사기단의 교묘한(tactful/clever) 수법으로(means) 인해 현지 경찰조사가 원활히(smoothly) 되지 않아 끝내 사기단 검거(arrest)는 이뤄지지 못했다고 합니다.
After reporting to the police, Ailee, who felt deeply worried and uneasy, visited her previous boyfriend who was working at All KPop, and told him everything and consulted him about what happened. While consulting the previous boyfriend, who should have fully grasped and handled the information about these pictures, Ailee was persuaded by him to send him the pictures from the shoot. 경찰 신고 후 걱정과 불안감에 빠져있던 에일리는 현재 ALL KPOP에 재직중인(in-service) 에일리의 전 남자친구에게 본 내용에 대해 털어놓고 상의(consulted)를 했으며, 상의 도중 사진의 내용을 정확히 파악해야하고(grasp/understanding) 대처(handle)해야한다는 전 남자친구의 설득(persuasion)으로 인해 전 남자친구에게 촬영 사진을 보내주게되었다고 합니다.
The above information is all the true information in relation to the leaked pictures. 유출된(leaked) 사진과 관련된 내용은 위의(above) 내용이 전부이며, 사실입니다.
We will be taking strong legal action in relation to the person who disregarded protection of personal information and illegally circulated the pictures in question. 당사는(party) 해당 사진의 유포자에게(circulator) 개인신상(personal)(protection law)보호법(privacy safeguards)에 따른 불법유포와(illegal circulation) 관련하여 강력한 법적 대응을 할 것입니다.
In addition, we will be doing our best so that Ailee will no longer be tormented by suspicion and gossip. 또한 당사도 에일리가 의혹과(doubt/suspicion) 구설수로(gossip/be the talk of) 인해 더이상의 고통을 받지 않을 수 있도록 최대한 노력할 것입니다.
Although it was an act deriving from lack of thought and maturity, it was not derived from wrong intentions or actions and it is becoming a large source of pain for Ailee, who had been living her life as a woman before she became a singer, as well as Ailee's family. 어린시절의 짧은 생각과 철 없던 행동이지만 그릇된(wrong/mistaken) 의도와(intention) 행동으로 일어난 일이 아니었기에, 또한 가수이기 이전에 한 여자로서의 삶을 살아가고 있는 에일리와, 에일리의 가족에게는 감당하지(handle/manage) 못할 큰 아픔입니다.
The relevant pictures had been a painful memory that had been largely traumatic and deeply hurtful for Ailee. 해당 사건은 당시 에일리에게 큰 충격과 깊은 상처를 주었던 아픈 기억이었습니다.
We fear that Ailee may once again receive a large wound from the hurtful memory when she had forgotten the painful past and had been looking towards her dreams. 이제 아픈 기억을 잊고, 꿈을 향해 가고 있는 에일리가 또 다시 과거의 아픈 기억으로 인해 더 큰 상처를 받게 될까 우려됩니다(feared/worried).
We hope for warm consolation and encouragement so that Ailee will not experience more pain and can continue her activities diligently. 에일리가 더 큰 아픔을 겪지 않고 열심히 활동할 수 있도록 따뜻한 위로와(console/comfort) 격려(encouragement) 부탁드립니다.
In particular, local news agency Dispatch released details of a phone conversation that it had with Ailee’s alleged ex-boyfriend who claimed to be the source of these photos. In a phone conversation dated July 19, 2013, the “ex-boyfriend” approached Dispatch saying he had nude photos of Ailee and was wondering if Dispatch was interested in them. When Dispatch responded that there might be issues with the sale of photos a person received personally, the “ex-boyfriend” replied that Dispatch’s answer was different from another media outlet- he would contact that one. The conversation went on with Dispatch warning the “ex” of the legality of his actions.
Another media outlet Star Today reported that according to a music industry insider, who wished to remain anonymous, there was someone who had been threatening Ailee and her agency about a video, asking for them to meet his/her demands.
Source.Allkpop.com . Soompi.com
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