Pasangan selebriti Yoon Kye Sang dan Honey Lee dilaporkan terlihat berkencan di sebuah  department store
Menurut media outlet TV Report , Yoon Kye Sang dan Honey Lee terlihat belanja untuk makan malam di Shinsegae department store di Myeongdong , Seoul pada tanggal 14 November 2013 sekitar pukul  16:10 KST  .

Pasangan ini tampak mewaspadai perhatian yang tidak diinginkan dari pers dan menjaga jarak satu sama lain , tetapi sekali hal-hal tampaknya jelas , mereka kembali berjalan bersama melalui lorong . Yoon Kye Sang diam-diam mengamati Honey Lee saat ia hati-hati memilih produk dan keduanya bahkan menyuapkan makanan satu sama lain di sudut  Mereka juga menjaga memakai pakaian sama berwarna hitam.

Pasangan ini pertama kali bertemu di '17th Annual Busan International Film Festival' tahun lalu dan menegaskan mereka dalam suatu hubungan Februari lalu . Yoon Kye Sang saat ini sedang syuting untuk film mendatang ' Red Carpet ' dan 'Minority Opinion'. . Honey Lee juga membintangimusical 'Guys and Dolls' sampai Januari


Celebrity couple Yoon Kye Sang and Honey Lee were reportedly spotted on a grocery date!

According to media outlet TV Report, Yoon Kye Sang and Honey Lee were spotted grocery shopping for dinner at Shinsegae department store in Myeongdong, Seoul on the 14th at around 4:10 PM KST.

The couple seemed wary of unwanted attention from press and kept a distance from each other, but once things seemed clear, they went back to strolling together through the aisles. Yoon Kye Sang quietly watched Honey Lee as she carefully picked out products, and the two even fed each other at the food corner. They also keep their attire low-key and casual in matching black outfits.

The couple first met at the '17th Annual Busan International Film Festival' last year and confirmed they were in a relationship last February. Yoon Kye Sang is currently filming for the upcoming films 'Red Carpet' and 'Minority Opinion'. Honey Lee is also starring in the musical 'Guys and Dolls' until January.

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