Salah satu bintang Hallyu yang paling dikenal di dunia, Bae Yong Joon, telah mengakui ia berada dalam suatu hubungan.

Kabar tersebut di rilis oleh sebuah koran Jepang dan OSEN Korea hari sebelumnya. Wanita yang dimaksud adalah berusia 27 tahun dan putri pemilik sebuah perusahaan Korea. Fasih berbahasa Inggris, ia bertemu sang bintang saat makan malam yang diselenggarakan oleh seorang teman.

Key East agency  Bae Yong June  merilis sebuah pernyataan mengkonfirmasi laporan-laporan ini pada Osen. "Memang benar bahwa ia berada dalam hubungan dengan non-selebriti Korea selama tiga bulan terakhir. Karena mereka baru memulai, mereka berhati-hati tetapi mereka menyusun hubungan yang berharga."

Hubungan mereka berdua telah berkembang sejak mereka bertemu, bepergian ke Hawaii bersama-sama dan berbagi makanan dan berbelanja di Tokyo.

One of the most recognizable Hallyu stars in the world, Bae Yong Joon, has been revealed to be in a relationship!

The news was broken by a Japanese newspaper and covered in Korea by OSEN earlier today. The woman in question is 27 years old and the daughter of a Korean corporation. Fluent in English, she met the star during a dinner hosted by a mutual friend.

Key East, his agency, released a statement confirming these reports, OSEN said. "It is true that he is in a relationship with a non-celebrity Korean for the past three months. Since they are just starting, they are being careful but they are crafting a valuable relationship."

The two of them have grown their relationship since they met, traveling to Hawaii together for a wedding and sharing meals and shopping in Tokyo.

Congratulations to Bae Yong Joon and his significant other and good luck to them in their relationship!

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