Aktor So Ji Sub (37 ) & Jooyeon  After School ( 27 ) di kabarkan menjalin hubungan asmara

Menurut majalah wanita Women Sense edisi Januari , pasangan telah berpacaran selama satu tahun 4 bulan . Mereka bertemu pada musim panas tahun 2012, di mana GO MBLAQ  memperkenalkan mereka satu sama lain.

Majalah itu mengatakan, "Keduanya sering berkencan di Seoul Hannam-dong UN Village, di mana rumah So Ji Sub berada. Mereka berkencan  pada tanggal 19 Desember, dan hari setelah itu, So Ji Sub mengantar Jooyeon ke salon rambut di Gangnam. "

Mereka berdua juga pergi ke Amerika Serikat bersama-sama. Rupanya, Jooyeon memperkenalkannya kepada teman-temannya sebagai pacarnya.
Namun, baik 51K dan Pledis Entertainment mengatakan, "Ini adalah pertama kalinya kami mendengar ini. Kami akan mengkonfirmasikan berita.

#omegod omegod bener kah ?? patah hati nech hiks T_T

[UPDATE] Agency So Ji Sub kini telah membantah bahwa mereka berpacaran  dan mengatakan, "Memang benar mereka teman, tapi mereka tidak berkencan."

#Tarik nafas lega , tapi masih khawatir jangan2 agencynya bo'ong :(

Actor So Ji Sub (37) and Aftrer School's Jooyeon (27) are rumored to be dating!

According to the woman's magazine Women Sense's January issue, the pair have been dating for a year and 4 months already. They met in the Summer of 2012, where MBLAQ's G.O introduced them to each other.

The magazine said, "The two of them mainly dated at the Seoul Hannam-dong UN Village, where So Ji Sub's house is. They had a date on December 19th, and the day after, So Ji Sub dropped Jooyeon off at a hair salon in Gangnam."

The two of them also visited the USA together. Apparently,Jooyeon introduced him to her friends as her boyfriend.

However, both 51K and Pledis Entertainment said, "This is the first time we're hearing this. We'll be confirming the story."

[UPDATE] So Ji Sub's label has now denied that they two are dating, and has said, "It's true they're friends, but they're not dating."


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