Lee Min Ho mendapat sambutan hangat dari 2.000 penggemar setibanya di Singapura !
Aktor ini mengunjungi Singapura untuk acara peluncuran produk kosmetik  ' Innisfree ' pada tanggal 16 Desember dan juga akan berangkat ke China untuk syuting iklan lain . Dia sudah membawa gelombang Hallyu dengan keberhasilan SBS drama ' Heirs ' , dan penggemar di Singapura tampaknya masih terkena  ' sindrom Kim Tan ' seperti nampak dari ribuan penggemar melambaikan tangan dan mengambil gambar .  

Lee Min Ho , yang belum pernah ke Singapura sejak 2010 setelah breakout drama sebelumnya ' Boys Over Flowers ' ,nampak senang melihat para penggemarnya dan menyapa mereka dengan senyum hangat .

Seorang perwakilan berkomentar , " Meskipun itu adalah kunjungan pertamanya ke Singapura dalam tiga tahun , kami terkejut dan berterima kasih atas respon panas dan popularitasnya ... Kami berterima kasih atas cinta para fans ' ... Kami juga waspada terhadap potensi kejadian dengan menempatkan keselamatan pertama . "
Lee Min Ho juga akan memiliki beberapa fan service yang lebih siap untuk konsernya di Olympic Handball Gymnasium pada tanggal 18 Januari .


Lee Min Ho received a warm welcome from 2,000 fans upon his arrival in Singapore!

The actor visited Singapore for the 'Innisfree' launching event on December 16 and will also depart for China for another advertisement filming. He's been riding the Hallyu wave with the success of his SBS drama 'Heirs', and fans in Singapore still seemed to have a case of 'Kim Tan syndrome' as apparent from the thousands of fans waving and taking pictures. Lee Min Ho, who hasn't been to Singapore since 2010 following his previous breakout drama 'Boys Over Flowers', was just as happy to see his fans and greeted them with his warm smile.

A rep commented, "Although it is his first visit to Singapore in three years, we were surprised and thankful for the hot response and his popularity... We are thankful for the fans' love... We were also on guard for potential happenings by putting safety first."

Lee Min Ho will also has some more fan service ready for his concert at Olympic Handball Gymnasium on January 18.

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