Park Shin Hye and Lee Min Ho
Lee Min Ho dan Park Shin Hye membantah laporan bahwa mereka dalam suatu hubungan.

Pada tanggal 26 Januari , media China melaporkan bahwa pemeran utama "The Heirs " itu diam-diam telah berkencan selama dua bulan. Namun, media  tidak  menyertakan bukti, hanya mengulangi bahwa mereka berdua berpacaran.

Kedua belah pihak menyatakan bahwa mereka bingung dengan laporan tersebut.Agency Park Shin Hye mengatakan kepada TV Report, "Tentu saja itu tidak benar. Tidak ada dasar cerita. Kami tidak tahu mengapa artikel itu diterbitkan di Cina. Kami mengambil langkah-langkah melalui agen Cina kami."

Agency  Lee Min Ho mengatakan hal yang sama kepada TV Report, "Ada desas-desus di masa lalu, juga. Tidak ada yang dikonfirmasi dalam artikel tersebut. Tim The [Heirs] begitu dekat satu sama lain, yang mungkin mengapa laporan ini terjadi."

Both Lee Min Ho and Park Shin Hye denied reports that they were in a relationship.

On the 26th, Chinese media reported that the two 'Heirs' leads had been secretly dating for two months. However, the media presented no proof, just repeated that the two of them were dating.

Both sides expressed that they were flustered with the report. Park Shin Hye's label told TV Report, "Of course it's not true. There's no basis to the story. We don't know why that article was published in China. We're taking measures through our Chinese agency."

Lee Min Ho's label similarly told TV Report, "There was a rumor in the past, too. There's nothing confirmed in that article. The [Heirs] team are so close with each other, which is probably why these reports are happening."

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