If the face is a canvas, then the Infinite members are works of art in the latest issue of Dazed & Confused Korea.

The idol group was chosen as an icon for the magazine’s fifth anniversary issue, and as such, the members are seen rocking some experimental looks for the special beauty spread.

While Sung Yeol’s bowl cut and Sung Jong’s yellow eye shadow certainly caught our eye, we literally could not take our eyes off of the (temporary) tattoo on member L’s forehead.

We cannot for the life of us figure out what it says, but as long as it doesn’t say ‘I’m with stupid,’ we guess it doesn’t really matter.

The complete spread and interview can be found in the May issue

Jika wajah adalah kanvas, maka anggota Infinite adalah karya seni dalam edisi terbaru Dazed & Confused Korea.

Grup idola ini terpilih sebagai ikon untuk diterbitkan dalam edisi tahun kelima majalah, dan dengan demikian, para anggota terlihat dalam beberapa eksperimental mencari penyebaran keindahan khusus.

Sementara Sung Yeol memamerkan rambut ala mangkuk dan Sung Jong memakai eye shadow kuning  kita benar-benar tidak bisa mengedipkan mata dari tato di dahi L.

Foto dan wawancara lengkap Infinite akan hadir dalam edisi Mei  Dazed & Confused Korea.


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