Choi appeared in the new MBC drama "Gu Family Book" as Kang-chi's (Lee Seung-gi) real father.

In a recent interview, he said, "I couldn't sleep due to anxiety even after two episodes. It depended on me for the third episode to succeed".

The pressure soon became stress. "I started balding in 2 spots because of the stress" he added.

Aktor Choi Jin Hyuk muncul dalam drama MBC  "Gu Family Book" sebagai  ayah kandung Kang-chi (Lee Seung-gi).

Dalam sebuah wawancara baru-baru ini, ia berkata, "Aku tidak bisa tidur karena kecemasan bahkan setelah dua episode. Itu tergantung pada saya untuk episode ketiga agar berhasil".

Tekanan segera menjadi stres. "Saya mulai botak di 2 tempat karena stres" tambahnya.


#Aigooo oppa kok ampe stress segala sih .Semangat dunk :)


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