Hongki answered back against a netizen who reported him for a traffic violation.

On April 11, Hongki had snapped a photo with his new scooter on Twitter and wrote, “Puhehehehe my new friend!!!! The color is of course going to be yellow“. However, a few people noticed that in the photo, the scooter was lacking a license plate.

Soon enough, a post was made online titled, “I reported F.T. Island‘s Lee Hongki for violating proper vehicle management and street traffic laws.” The netizen pointed out that he had no license plate on the scooter and said, “He broke the vehicle management laws. Since he drove the scooter without a license plate, I reported him to the Seoul Police Department Traffic Control Safety Division.” He explained that according to the new laws since 2011, even small two-wheeled vehicles with less than a 50 cc tank must be driven with a license plate.

However, Hongki had his own thoughts on the issue. He tweeted, “Hey, you keyboard finger warriors. If you’re going to insult me, do it after you conduct proper research. I bought it yesterday, so of course I didn’t receive the license plate yet. If you apply for a license and put it on within 15 days, it’s okay. And you might not be able to tell because it’s dark. Even though it’s in front of a red light, the scooter was parked in front of the store^^. Anyway, you lunge on with your life“.

In a phone call with Sports Seoul, his label said, “We haven’t heard that he was reported yet. He just snapped a photo because he wanted to show the new scooter he bought to his fans. Hongki is currently in Beijing for the Asia tour.“

Hongki menjawab kembali terhadap netizen yang melaporkan dia untuk pelanggaran lalu lintas.

Pada tanggal 11 April Hongki mengupload fotonya dengan skuter barunya di Twitter dan menulis, "Puhehehehe teman baru saya!! Warnanya tentu akan menjadi kuning ".

Namun, beberapa orang menyadari bahwa di foto, skuter tersebut tidak memakai  plat.Tak lama kemudian, posting yang dibuat online berjudul, "aku melaporkan Lee Hongki FT Island karena melanggar peraturan kendaraan yang tepat dan undang-undang lalu lintas . "

Netizen itu menunjukkan bahwa ia tidak punya plat skuter dan berkata," Dia melanggar hukum aturan kendaraan . Karena ia melaju dengan skuter tanpa plat, saya melaporkan dia ke Polisi Lalu Lintas Seoul Divisi Departemen Pengendalian Keselamatan "

Netizens tersebut  menjelaskan bahwa sesuai dengan undang-undang baru sejak 2011, bahkan  kendaraan roda dua dengan kurang dari 50 tangki cc harus memakai plat.

Namun, Hongki memiliki pikirannya sendiri tentang masalah ini. Dia tweeted, "“Hey, you keyboard finger warriors . Jika Anda akan menghina saya, melakukannya setelah Anda melakukan penelitian yang benar. Saya membelinya kemarin, jadi tentu saja saya belum menerima plat . Jika Anda mengajukan permohonan lisensi dan meletakkannya di dalam waktu 15 hari, tidak apa-apa. Dan Anda mungkin tidak bisa memberitahu karena gelap. Meskipun itu di depan lampu merah, skuter diparkir di depan toko ^ ^.Anyway, you lunge on with your life".

Dalam panggilan telepon dengan Sports Seoul, agencynya mengatakan, "Kami belum mendengar bahwa ia dilaporkan. Dia hanya  mengupload foto karena dia ingin menunjukkan skuter baru yang dibelinya kepada para penggemarnya. Hongki saat ini di Beijing untuk tur Asia. "

#Aigooooo Netizens tu pasti malu sendiri ckckckckc.Daebakkk  oppa  ^_^ d


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