Actress Yoo In Na recently appeared in the May issue of “Cosmopolitan Korea” and revealed jaw-droppingly gorgeous photos.

The concept of the photo shoot was “Popping Girl” where Yoo In Na’s innocent baby face and curvy figure were the focal point of the pictorial.

In the follow-up interview with “Cosmopolitan Korea,” Yoo In Na revealed that it had always been her dream to be a radio DJ. In fact, if you didn’t know already – the actress is currently the radio DJ over at KBS 2FM’s “Volume Up.” She stated, “I think what’s more difficult than scheduling a live broadcast is listening to the struggles of our listeners. No matter what kind of hardships they’re facing, when they tell me they feel better after having heard my voice that day, it makes me happy.”

She added, “In the future I’d like to take on a character that’s as charismatic as Bridget Jones from ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary.’ There are a lot of people out there who assume that I pretend to be all prim and proper, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Whenever I eat food, I use my fingers like it’s no big deal.”

In related news, Yoo In Na currently stars in the KBS2 TV drama series, ”You’re the Best, Lee Soon Shin” as older sister Lee Yoo Shin.

Aktris Yoo In Na baru-baru ini muncul di edisi Mei "Cosmopolitan Korea" dan memamerkan pesonanya.

Konsep pemotretan adalah "Popping Girl" di mana Yoo In Na tampil dengan wajah Innocent.

Dalam wawancara lanjutan dengan "Cosmopolitan Korea," Yoo In Na mengungkapkan bahwa ia selalu bermimpi untuk menjadi seorang DJ radio. Dan ia berhasil mewujudkan impiannya saat menjadi DJ radio di KBS 2FM "Volume Up."

Dia menyatakan, "Saya pikir apa yang lebih sulit daripada penjadwalan siaran langsung adalah mendengarkan perjuangan pendengar kami. Tidak peduli apa jenis kesulitan yang mereka hadapi, ketika mereka memberitahu saya bahwa mereka merasa lebih baik setelah mendengar suara saya hari itu, itu membuat saya bahagia. "

Dia menambahkan, "Di masa depan saya ingin mengambil karakter yang karismatik seperti Bridget Jones dari ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary.’ Ada banyak orang di luar sana yang menganggap bahwa aku berpura-pura menjadi semua formal dan tepat, tetapi yang tidak bisa lebih jauh dari kebenaran. Setiap kali saya makan makanan, saya menggunakan jari saya seperti itu bukan masalah besar. "

Yoo In Na saat ini membintangi serial drama TV KBS2, ”You’re the Best, Lee Soon Shin” sebagai kakak Lee Yoo Shin.

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