4minute‘s HyunA, who was admitted into the hospital a few days ago after being diagnosed with a high fever, will be discharged soon after a doctors’ prognosis of recovery.

According to Cube Entertainment, HyunA will begin discharge procedures on the 12th, which will be followed by a period of rest. Although she had a highly volatile fever when she was admitted on the 9th, it has cooled off recently.

HyunA missed out on the recent Dream Concert stage, which only featured the remaining four members of 4minute. Cube will make a decision on when she will be permitted to resume her schedule based on her future level of recovery.

HyunA  4minute   yang dirawat di rumah sakit beberapa hari yang lalu setelah didiagnosa menderita demam tinggi, akan segera keluar setelah pemulihan oleh dokter.

Menurut Cube Entertainment, HyunA akan memulai prosedur keluar pada tanggal 12, yang akan diikuti oleh masa istirahat. Meskipun ia menderita demam sangat tinggi setelah dia dirawat pada tanggal 9, Demam telah mendingin .

Cube akan membuat keputusan tentang kapan dia akan diizinkan untuk melanjutkan jadwalnya berdasarkan tingkat kesehatannya .


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