4minute′s Hyuna, who recently was admitted to the hospital due to fever and dehydration, is determined to return to the stage soon.

A rep from Cube Entertainment told enews on May 8, "Hyuna suffered from severe fever and dehydration due to stress, but she′s currently in stable condition. Her fever has cooled down also."

The rep added, "We even talked happily over the phone today. The results of her checkup will come out sometime today or tomorrow. The agency thinks she should rest a bit more, but Hyuna is determined to return to promotions. We will adjust her schedules based on the doctor′s opinion."

"It′s still a bit early to tell whether more future promotions will only involve four members. We′ll make the decisions as soon as her checkup results are out."

Hyuna was admitted to the hospital on May 6. 4minute has been promoting with four members since then.

Hyuna, yang baru-baru ini dirawat di rumah sakit karena demam dan dehidrasi, bertekad untuk kembali ke panggung segera.

Seorang perwakilan dari Cube Entertainment mengatakan eNews pada tanggal 8 Mei, "Hyuna menderita demam parah dan dehidrasi karena stres, tapi dia saat ini dalam kondisi stabil. Demam nya sudah dingin juga."

Rep menambahkan, "Kami bahkan berbicara dengan gembira melalui telepon hari ini. Hasil pemeriksaan itu akan keluar hari ini atau besok. Badan ini berpikir dia harus beristirahat sedikit lebih, tapi Hyuna bertekad untuk kembali ke promosi. Kami akan menyesuaikan  jadwal berdasarkan pendapat dokter. "

"Ini masih agak dini untuk mengatakan apakah promosi lebih masa depan hanya akan melibatkan empat anggota. Kami akan membuat keputusan secepat hasil pemeriksaan nya keluar."

Hyuna dirawat di rumah sakit pada tanggal 6 Mei. 4minute telah mempromosikan dengan empat anggota sejak saat itu.

#Get Well Soon Hyuna :(


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